Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



Just checked the cams this morning and to my delight I had a few nice bucks, then got to yesterday's pics (11/30/12) around 3-3:30 got this fighting sequence. These are my first fight pics and they are cool to look at but noticed on of my larger bucks, he broke off 1 (if not both) brow tines :(.
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I'll get the pics up soon. Is it pretty normal to see this hard of fighting later rather than earlier November? Does this normally mean that there are still does to compete for to breed or are they just blowing off steam?
The Pics

Some of the Pics. I had four different bucks (pretty much same caliber deer) come to this scrape site within minutes of eachother and just moments after 2 doe left. These two decided to duke it out. This was Nov. 30th





Nice series of pictures, you should edit the brightness on those. They would make a great screen saver or desktop background for your computer.
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