New Member
Went out this morning skipping school. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif only say 5 does and a small buck. Went in and got lunch and came out around 1. Was walking to my stand and had 3 does and a small 8 under my stand. So i had to wait 20 mins before they left so i could climb up. About 2:15 i heard someone yelling so i called my dad to have him go check it out. Well its the owner of the land we hunt by. He was cutting firewood about 100 yards from my stand. Was kinda pissed about that. Was thinking about going to another stand but decided to see what happens for about 2 hours. Well i got tired of standing so i sat down and not even ten min later this guy comes rolling threw. Didnt really give me much time to get the gun up. He came into an opening but had lots of brush. I knew my gun was right on and knew i could hit him. So i shot and he dropped right in his tracks. Was so pumped. As i was getting my stuff into my bag i looked up and i saw a deer walking twords the south. Thought to myself that CANT be my buck. Sure as heck it was. I noticed i shot a lil high but it had to be a lung shot. His whole back side was covered in blood. I couldnt get another shot so i just sat and called my dad. About an hour later we go looking for blood. We walked over to where he was laying and found a big puddle of blood. Looked closer and the blood had bubbles in it so i knew it was a lung shot. We start following the blood and about 50 yards ahead i saw him laying down. (We should have waited longer) got closer and he poped his head up and tried to run away. We got a little closer and when he poped his head up again i shot him in the neck. Still kicking myself for not waiting longer but he didnt go farther than 150 yards from where i shot him. Im happy with him. I know their are bigger deer out roaming around but still have a bow tag to fill. I have field photos but on another card. Here are some we took at the club.