I'm sure. Always.
Probably not 100% sometimes they probably hit them in the guts and no arrow to be found. Or if a yote is on them before I find them then I just assume the bow hunter stuck them in the ass.
I'm sure. Always.
U must have a ton of bow hunters next to u. I own several farms & have rarely found a wounded arrow'd deer. Maybe 3-4 times in 15 yrs? Now- after gun- oh my.... Going in a week later- I'd guess I've found 30-40 deer from gun shots on my land after the slugs flew. I had a tiny piece once I bet I found 2-3 bucks dead after guns pushed that never got found. Yes- next to a piece piss pounded by the truck load of guys all yr A circus worse than most anywhere. Cleaned out those rascally worthless 2-3 yr old bucks every yr. yes- ok, little frustrating but I personally think gun drives vs arrows r no comparison for the wounded deer out there IMO.
Agreed. I find way more deer shot up after the gun season. I don't know if its because people pick the ones they want to keep or just don't care look for them when the run
I don't want to get into the bow vs. gun hunter debate as I do both and am glad I have the opportunity to do so. There are obviously deer wounded by both bow and gun hunters (look at all the "what would you do after this shot" threads). I would venture to guess that there are more wounded by guns, as more opportunities to shoot usually arise in gun seasons (not necessarily good shot opportunities and not saying that people don't take "bad" shots at deer with a bow), at least for me. I limit my shots to a shorter distance with a bow than a gun, so some deer that are in the wide open without even a blade of grass between me and it get passed with a bow but shot at with a gun, so I tend to have more opportunities to shoot with a gun just based on range. Plus, many people can get more shots off with a gun than they can with a bow at the same deer or group of deer, so that may lead to more getting wounded by guns.
As for finding them dead later, I would agree that some people track what they want to track. I'm sure there are many that would spend 2-3 days or longer trying to find what they consider a big buck (time spent increasing with the estimated size) and go farther in their search than they would for a doe. So I'm sure a lot of does get wounded and run off, and if it's not what the hunter really wanted to slap their tag on (yes,they should not have shot), they get left. Especially if they cross a fence onto a piece they don't have permission to hunt. I would say even small bucks get this treatment as well if the hunter is after a giant. And even some deer (bucks and does) that are found, but just aren't "big enough" to put the tag on. Again, not a bow vs. gun hunting opinion as I'm sure deer shot by a bow or gun get this treatment.
Stickers I'm beginning to think we have the same views on a lot of things from our responses this last month
U must have a ton of bow hunters next to u. I own several farms & have rarely found a wounded arrow'd deer. Maybe 3-4 times in 15 yrs? Now- after gun- oh my.... Going in a week later- I'd guess I've found 30-40 deer from gun shots on my land after the slugs flew. I had a tiny piece once I bet I found 2-3 bucks dead after guns pushed that never got found. Yes- next to a piece piss pounded by the truck load of guys all yr A circus worse than most anywhere. Cleaned out those rascally worthless 2-3 yr old bucks every yr. yes- ok, little frustrating but I personally think gun drives vs arrows r no comparison for the wounded deer out there IMO.