Finding New Hunting Land


New Member
Well the land my dad and I have had permission to hunt has become very popular lately, 5 diff.landowners and trespassers, had to hunt a friends farm for turkey.
Anyways I was looking for some advice on looking for a new place to hunt.What do you look for or want,how do you go about it? I know now adays it can be hard to get in somewhere but I'm tired of meeting other hunters while I'm hunting.
I've been using the topo map on the computer looking around.I know I should have done this in earlier, but thanks for the help.
I've had a lot of luck just knocking on doors, and never once have I been even slightly mistreated. So long as you show some respect, you're chances of finding some prime hunting ground are probably pretty good.
Thanks Madison, have no problem asking, just have to break down where we want to start and go get a plot map.
Its sort of funny the place I said above didn't let noboby on his place to hunt and even told us no but after an hour of talking decided to let us in.Just sucks others don't care.
Finding new places to hunt is not that hard in the Waterloo, Denver area...just knock on some doors, the only thing is this is a bad time to interupt farmers, the corn should be planted but the should be working on the beans. I would wait a couple of more weeks then start looking for farms with timber that also has hay ground. Offer to help bale for hunting ground, alot of time they will tell you that it is not necessary but will let you hunt this fall. Helping fix fences has not hurt the hunting much either. I have always had good luck for ground around the boyscout camp between Denver and Waverly. Good Luck
Excellent sugestion, wait until farmers have thier crops in, offering to help them for hunting rights is a RIGHT ON idea, don't know of a farmer that couldn't use a extra set of hands. Great way to show that not all hunters are "crop stomping treaspassers"