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Was blessed by the good Lord allowing me to harvest this Iowa giant. Had my first encounter with him on Thursday evening Nov. 10th. while setting on the ground. Rattled him in from 300 yards out in a bean field, came all the way in to 56 yards and did not present a shot. Friday morning came and I had a deer come out under my stand roughly 20 minutes before shooting light. Couldn't tell how big he was. The sun finally came up and he was about 70 yards away and I could tell that it was him. He did not come back within bow range and I watched him walk off again. On Friday afternoon I hung a new stand to set up for the south wind on Saturday morning. Saturday morning came around and he was the first deer I saw. He was coming straight at me in an open bean field so I had to keep ranging him since there were no land marks to go by. The last spot I ranged him was 36 yards. I clip onto my bow, pull back and by that time he was quartering away and walking at what I thought was 40 yards. I slowly squeeze off and watch the arrow hit further back than what I liked. He ended up making it 70 yards and piled up just off the edge of the bean field. My arrow ended up taking out the liver and opposite side lung. His left side G4 was broken off, but he had quite a bit of mass on that side. Was a lot of fun walking up on him after having 2 encounters with him the two days before and being able to kill him from a stand that we hung the day before.