Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

First bow buck


Well-Known Member
Well i started bow hunting a little less than a year ago(been broke ever since). I have always enjoyed grabbing a shotgun and chasing whitetails with family and friends in december but never really new if i would have the patience to sit and wait for one to come to me. So with a little encouragement from my brother and a coulpe extra dollars burning a hole in my pocket i decided to buy a bow. Needless to say after my first night in the stand ive been hooked ever since. So this year i decided i would take some time off of work and see what happened. Saturday november 5th was the first day of my 10 day vacation. I woke up that morning and managed to drag myself out of bed knowing the wind was supposed to blow between 20-30 mph. I headed to the stand well before daylight. After what seemed like forever the sun finaly started to peak over the horizon. Shortly after daylight i caught movement on a hill adjecent to my stand. With one quick look through my binos i realized this wasnt a deer i could pass. The deer worked down a fenceline just like we had planned they would when hanging the stand. When the buck got to 25 yards i stopped him and let the arrow fly, everything felt good. As i watched the deer run away i noticed he wasnt using his far back leg and instantly got a sick feeling in my stomach. I had no idea what happened the only thing i could think was that the deer quartered towards me when i released. I immediately climbed down and left the area figuring i would give him some time. I went home and spent a long 8 hours waiting and not knowing what to think. After the wait i gathered some family and a friend and went looking. We found blood and followed it about 100 yards and lost it. With thoughts of never finding the deer weighing on my mind we decided to take one last ditch effort and split up and look for him. Not long after that i got the call from my brother that he had found him. With relief and other emotions running through me i realized this is why i hunt. What started out as a cold lonely morning in the treestand ended in a memory of a lifetime with family and friends. Special thanks to my brothers nels and wade uncle rick and ryan don.
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Holy bagezus!! What a dandy. Good luck topping that one any time soon :) Congrats on a heck of a deer!!!!
FIRST BOW BUCK...umm, you sure as hell set the bar pretty high. What a stud.

A much deserved CONGRATS:way:
You have no idea what you just did too yourself. Sweet jesus thats a great buck
Holy Freaking Moly, that is a very nice buck. That thing has it all. You sir are going to have fun trying to top that one. Nice job and congrats on the first bow buck..
Holy smokes! That's one heck of a first archery deer! Congrats and way to stick with it looking for him! Awesome deer!
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