Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

First Bow Harvest


Well on my first year of bow hunting I made my first harvest. I went out Sunday afternoon and was in the stand about an hour and I had seen three shooters as they were chasing does all over the place. I saw the same 8 pointer three times chasing does until he finally followed one down the path I was on. I had just ranged this path when I came in, so I knew it was 23 yards and I stopped him in the right spot.

Once I shot him, I backed out as I didn't want to push even though I was extremely please with the shot. I came back in about two hours later with two guys and we tracked him about 80 yards or so and there he was.

This is my first year and I am truly addicted to this sport. I can't wait until next year.

I have a picture on my desktop, but I am not sure how to post the picture.
Wow, that is a nice one for your first. Most just get a little forky or a basket rack.

Muddy dont you have anything to do besides be on here helping people post pics? Oh yeah that is right you dont have a buck tag left
Thanks for the help Muddy, I appreciate.

Thanks also for all of the nice comments, I am hooked for life now.
Good deer Aron!!

My first was in 2001 and it was a nice one like yours. Now I'm in a tree every chance I get because of that deer! Congratulations.

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