Thanks for the replies guys.
the doe was from my other blind, the new one still needs some work on it. (roof and shooting holes cut)
when she came up by the blind I was looking at her through slits in the windo so I couldn't actually see how big she was. I could see she had a long snout so I knew she was an older doe.
At first I decided I wasn't going to shoot her, then she stepped into the opening and that changed my mind.
The arrow was almost a passthru, it popped out the opposite side while she was running down the hill. the shot was under 10 yds and she went around maybe 70.
I shot the doe maybe 45 minutes after Jon dropped me off.
When I called his house, his wife said to him, I bet thats Jack calling and he shot a deer. He said, no way, and he was wrong.
the blind I am using now is on the ground and Jon hunted from it a few times last year. He thought it would be easy. they caught him every time. So, the next blind he said I had to get off the ground.
It will be different looking down on the deer after 30 years of eye to eye.
now for the buck, even though the doe is plenty of meat for me, so It will have to be a big buck to get me to shoot it. Like last fall durring shotgun. I was in the blind with my 45 colt and already had a doe in the freezer, so the same thing. 150 class or better. I did get some good pictures of 3 130-140 class 10 pointers by the blind (40 yds) but didnt shoot.
x marks the spot where the doe was standing