PMA Member
Whats up guys...well its been a while since Ive posted but I had to get on and let you fellas know bout this one. I shot my first ever buck Yesterday at 450 p.m. Wow where do I start. Well I got up in my stand about 3 gruntin and hittin my can call occationally. At about 4:20 I heard a few grunts so I stood up and got my bow ready. I look over and see a doe comin through then look right behind her and I see HIM. I looked long enough to see the droptine comin off his left antler and I stopped lookin. Well if the doe would have kept walkin forward she would have led him bout 20 yards from me for a shot but of course she veared off. He finally got into an opening at 30 yards and I took my shot. I hit a branch and it scooted right under him. He jumped and took a few steps but never spooked. Im pretty sure he was thinkin with the wrong head at that time...haha. At this time Im shakin so bad the metal clasps holding my bibs up are rattleing and im kickin myself for missin. Well they dissappeared about 60 yards out behind some thick stuff and I would see movement occationally but I feared the worst. After what seemed like hours and after hearin a few grunts out of him so I knew he was still out there...the doe made her way back out of the thicket and headed right towords me. Not 5 seconds later here he come. As he was walkin right at me I noticed the second drop comin off his left antler and I freaked. He came up turned broad side to me at 20 yards and I grunted stopped him and took my next shot at 4:50...I new when I let go It wasnt what i wanted but was lucky enough to spine him...he dropped and I knocked another arrow and stuck him in the vitals. I got down out of the tree dropped to my knees and cried...went back to the house and waited for the old man to get back from his stand...a.k.a(buckhunter) and we went out got him...Well heres a quick rundown...Hes 18 points...22" inside spread...and I ran a quick tape on him tonight and came up with 190 inches...approx. We just got our computer back up so we gotta get the digital program back up. There will be pictures on here tomorrow...just had to leave ya guys with some mental pictures before ya actually seen him...hehe. Well good luck guys and once again pics will be up tomorrow.
Well here you go guys Ive got a few photos for ya. The first is just a back vew of the buck it just really shows you the drops and alot of his features.
Here is an actual picture of me with the deer at the site of the harvest...enjoy!!!
And this last photo is a photo of me and my huntin partner who I owe alot to when it comes to this deer...without him getting me on this unbelieveable property and everything I never would have had a chance at this deer. Thank you chad.

Well here you go guys Ive got a few photos for ya. The first is just a back vew of the buck it just really shows you the drops and alot of his features.
Here is an actual picture of me with the deer at the site of the harvest...enjoy!!!
And this last photo is a photo of me and my huntin partner who I owe alot to when it comes to this deer...without him getting me on this unbelieveable property and everything I never would have had a chance at this deer. Thank you chad.