Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

First sit of the year buck!


Active Member
Between work, college, and whatever project my wife throws at me, priorities have limited hunting the past couple of years. Over the past week, I had cam pics of a big buck frequenting one of my favorite spots. A shallow timbered ditch in between two cedar thickets, no wider than 40-50 yards. Snuck in yesterday around 11 right after the rain quit. Had tons of action but nothing worth picking up the bow til about 5:15. A fawn was bedded about 50 yards away up the ditch and kept looking to my right. I caught a glimpse of the big buck that was on camera. He proceeded to bump the fawn out of its bed then worked his way into the cedar thicket upwind in front of me. As soon as he was out of sight, I grunted a couple times then dropped a snort wheeze. Within seconds I heard something walking toward me directly to my right. It was a young tight racked 10. He started working a scrape no more than 15 yards away directly to my right. Now, I’m sitting in a double man treestand no more than 16-17 feet off the ground. Skinny seat, skinny foot platform, in a cedar tree and I can’t stand up because of limbs above me. Im right handed…. As that was going on I heard something coming out of the cedars in front of me. It was that big buck coming in hot at 2oclock looking to kick some a**. I turned my hips as much as possible and separated my shoulders (feel like I’m playing baseball again) to try to get the angle to make a shot. I couldn’t pull back as I figured he’d catch me as he was coming in (he’s walking slightly up hill at me no more than 25-30 yards). As soon as he meets the other buck, I pull back and try to make the angle to reach him. Ultimately didn’t have a shot as there were to many limbs in the way anyways. Held full draw for what felt like forever until both bucks looked the opposite direction and I let down. The big buck started working away from me and the other buck. I thought my opportunity was over. Then the smaller buck walked in front of me and began working down the ditch. All of a sudden the big buck turns around and starts to follow. With my body and shoulders fully torqued to the right I was able to make a shot on him at 20 yards. He went crashing through the cedars, but I didn’t hear him fall. Got down, could not find my arrow but had all kinds of blood on impact. Backed out and came back in with some family and found him dead about 100 yards away. Green grossed him at 170 3/8”. My biggest buck to date. Blessed to say the least!



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You won’t have a issue with tree stand burnout this year!!
Congrats and enjoy the success
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