Well-Known Member
Dad normally hunts first season for turkeys but work this year made second season the better option and with getting Friday and Monday off from college for Easter Break, second season was my choice as well.
Friday morning we drove the 50 minutes south to find another guy pulling into “our” spot and after talking to him, he was headed to the spot we call “the killing tree”. This made us change our plan and found us setting up on a creek. As light crept in I saw we set up 30 yards away from a tom on the roost but he knew we were there, never gobbled and flew the opposite way. At 7:15 the other guy shot so we waited an hour and headed up to “the killing tree”. We had four jakes come by, then an hour later, three more came by, followed by four more jakes. Some may have been the same but we know for sure there were at least seven. Neither Dad nor I decided to take a jake on the first morning so they got a pass. We hunted until 3:00pm and decided to call it a day and head home.
The next morning we hunted the same area but in different spots than we have in the past. We both had gobbles around but nothing close. At 6:50am Dad had two jakes work in without making a sound and they gave him an opportunity too good to pass up on the last day he could hunt so at 6:52am he had a jake down at 10 yards.
All the birds I was hunting went north so I sat tight until 8:00am thinking they might come back up the ridge to me but they didn’t and with one gobbling in the fields to the South I decided to make a move. As I was rounding a corner I saw a black dot 200 yards in the field and it was a tom. I waited for him to go behind a row of trees and literally ran to get set up. As I was coming back from setting the decoy out I looked back and here come two turkeys running down the hill towards me… then four more followed. I quickly got my gun and sat down as they were closing distance FAST! The front two were toms and they kept coming towards me. Once they crossed the ditch they slowed down and at 34 yards one stuck his head up and it was lights out at 8:48am.
This is the view from my seat. They came running down the hill in the middle and you can see him piled up (the closer pile is some grass )
21 pounds 9 oz, 10 inch beard, and ¾ inch spurs
Dad has gone with me multiple times while I hunted but he normally goes first season so it was fun to share the turkey woods with him. We had a fun day and a half and I look forward to fourth season.
Friday morning we drove the 50 minutes south to find another guy pulling into “our” spot and after talking to him, he was headed to the spot we call “the killing tree”. This made us change our plan and found us setting up on a creek. As light crept in I saw we set up 30 yards away from a tom on the roost but he knew we were there, never gobbled and flew the opposite way. At 7:15 the other guy shot so we waited an hour and headed up to “the killing tree”. We had four jakes come by, then an hour later, three more came by, followed by four more jakes. Some may have been the same but we know for sure there were at least seven. Neither Dad nor I decided to take a jake on the first morning so they got a pass. We hunted until 3:00pm and decided to call it a day and head home.
The next morning we hunted the same area but in different spots than we have in the past. We both had gobbles around but nothing close. At 6:50am Dad had two jakes work in without making a sound and they gave him an opportunity too good to pass up on the last day he could hunt so at 6:52am he had a jake down at 10 yards.
All the birds I was hunting went north so I sat tight until 8:00am thinking they might come back up the ridge to me but they didn’t and with one gobbling in the fields to the South I decided to make a move. As I was rounding a corner I saw a black dot 200 yards in the field and it was a tom. I waited for him to go behind a row of trees and literally ran to get set up. As I was coming back from setting the decoy out I looked back and here come two turkeys running down the hill towards me… then four more followed. I quickly got my gun and sat down as they were closing distance FAST! The front two were toms and they kept coming towards me. Once they crossed the ditch they slowed down and at 34 yards one stuck his head up and it was lights out at 8:48am.
This is the view from my seat. They came running down the hill in the middle and you can see him piled up (the closer pile is some grass )
21 pounds 9 oz, 10 inch beard, and ¾ inch spurs
Dad has gone with me multiple times while I hunted but he normally goes first season so it was fun to share the turkey woods with him. We had a fun day and a half and I look forward to fourth season.