Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

First Trail Cam


New Member
Hey all.
Just set up my first ever trail cam this week. I will post pictures if I ever get anything. Right now I have salt and apples out. Any other ideas, shelled corn, etc? My camera must not trip for squirrel, because there were four around the camera and many small bites out of the apples, but no pics snapped yet. I am open to any and all suggestions on how to be successful. Thanks. <font color="red"> </font>
Welcome to the "cam craze"

I think shelled corn and mineral licks are pretty common places after season for cams.

I try to face em north so the sun doesn't affect it.

How far from the corn or lick may take a little practice.

If you put it on a trail...45 degrees facing up the trail will help to keep from getting "butt" shots

I've got a whole lot to learn myself but those are a few things I've found.

Have fun!
Got my first pictures back today. I was so excited! Only about ten good pics, all does and a coon, but exciting none the less. My batteries (energizer) are already low, probably due to the cold. Thanks for the advice, it'll come in handy. I will have some pics posted as soon as I get registered with photobucket to host my images.
For our trail cams... we used apples from our apple tree and the deer loved them.. we went out every couple days to check the cam! and i dont think ive ever enjoyed checkin a camera so much! ive bought about 7 more since then! and im pretty much addicted! have some fun!!
Finally got my images hosted with photobucket. My first buck picture too! (although it was when my camera battery was dying so that quality is subpar) Also got a fat coon in one at night.

I moved my camera yesterday to a spring crossing and put out rock salt and apples. I should have something to post by Thursday, I can't wait. Thanks for the advice everyone, I appreciate it. Comment's welcome.
I checked my camera today after letting it sit for two days (was hard to do) and what I found was awesome. A nice buck that came by at around 11 pm, about six hours after I set up my cam.

and these does


I'm addicted!
Also, by the looks of things, the doe are going for the rock salt more-so than the apples and the buck seems more interested in the apples.
Got 30 more pictures back, nothing too special. A small buck and a ton of does. I set corn out now, so we'll see what we get.
Another nice little buck. That makes a forkhorn, a six point basket rack, this eight point, and the real nice tall eight point I have saw so far.


Also, how old does this buck look. He has a big body, and it looks like some mass...3 1/2?
how old does this buck look

[/ QUOTE ]

Hard to tell by that pic but...looks like your having fun with your trail cam!
Got a few more pics around my cheap rack trap. I think they are mostly all the same buck, a little hard to tell due to the 2.0 wildview camera.
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