First year success


Well-Known Member
I'm posting this about 2 weeks late, but let me just start off by saying how proud I am of this guy. This is my buddy Dustin. Early in the year he talked to me and expressed some interest in bow hunting. I answered alot of his questions the best that I could, and could tell that he was very excited and eager to learn. He got an old bow from his future father in law, that sounds like a screen door slamming when you shoot it, ( I think it's probably a Mathews /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif)and started flinging arrows. He shot alot before the season started, and was getting pretty good out to 30 yards. He would send me countless emails throughout the day asking excellent questions about the upcoming season. He asked what the chances were that he would shoot a deer his first year out. I told him it could happen, but not to get his hopes up. I told him I hunted my first 3 years before I even got a shot at a deer. Well, as luck would have it, he scored on his first year out only about 15 minutes into a hunt. The phone call I got that morning at about 7:00 was one I will never forget. He could barely talk and all I could make out was "I got him, I shot a buck". Well, it turns out he did get him. Dustin has dove head first into his first year of bow hunting, and I doubt after this, he'll ever look back. Congrats buddy on a great first deer.


Great Deer. Also, way to be there to help him along the way. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
Me..Junior year of high school I hunted so hard and missed 2 deer and finally connected December 15th with a nice 10er in a wicked snow storm! I'd bet I was one of the only bow-hunters in the timber that day...Great feeling!
Thanks for posting that Lance! And thank the rest of you for the kind words. Well Lance emailed me a bit ago saying a few guys asked him to get me on here to tell about the hunt. Here it goes: Like Lance said I am a rookie to this addicting GREAT sport. I started shot gun hunting about 5 years ago and enjoyed that a lot, nothing like spending the weekend with your friends making memories that last a lifetime. A few of my friends that I shot gun hunt with also bow hunt from listening to them and watching bow hunting shows on the outdoor channel I thought I would give it a try. I of course had a trillion questions and am fortunate to have an experienced bow hunter like Lance to answer them. I had been out in stand about 5 times this year and saw a few doe and had a small buck within 20 yards that shot at but my arrow hit a branch.(HEARTBREAKING!!!) It was Thursday mourning and I had taken the day off just to hunt. Luck would have it I woke up that mourning to a down pour!!! I told myself I don’t care I got day off to hunt so that’s what I am going to do. I got to my hunting location about a half hour before any sunlight but it was raining cats and dogs. I wimped out and decided to sit in truck till it lets up well a half hour goes by just about sun up but still raining. I said screw it and walked to stand. As I get to my stand and I kicked out 4 deer that were within 15 yards of my stand. (AGAIN HEARTBROKEN!!) I should have been out there when I arrived!! I got up in my stand and sat there for about 15 min and out of the corner of my eye I spot a buck running right at my stand threw the field my stand sits on. It was going full speed ahead and then stopped about 30 yards and put his head down and grazed for about 3 minutes which seemed like 6 hours. He was off to the right of me so I couldn’t get off a shot. He put his nose in air and started walking right at me I was just hoping to get a shot off before I had a heart attack or fainted I was going nuts!! He strolled up to my tinks wick that was set at 10 yards then I nailed him!! I was so nervous because after it was all said and done I was hoping I was using wrong pin and a million other things went threw my head because I couldn’t remember the shot. To excited!!! Waited bout 10 min and found my arrow in grass covered in blood!!!!!!!!!!! It was still pouring out so went to truck to wait for a guy to come help me find him cause no blood trail due to the rain. After looking for bout 15 min we found him no more that 20 yards from my truck. It defiantly a sweet moment!!! Well up until I got done gutting him and I was leaned over the gut pile with a dip in my mouth looking for the heart and the guy that helped me track the deer stepped on what he thought was the heart sack turned out to be the poop sack and it squirted in my mouth and all over my face Sorry this was such a long story but I am sure you all understand my excitement!!! Hooked for Life!!!