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fling an arrow at a coyote?

I've shot 2 in the last 2 seasons after missing a bunch of them over the years. Getting drawn is the big issue most times.
I'll shoot as long as I can't see a deer.

I've ruined some of our deer drives by shooting coyotes during shotgun season. Coyotes first for me.
If all is quiet I'll take a shot. I've shot three to date, two from a tree and one from the ground while still-hunting. They can be quite a problem down here. Better put a good shot on a deer in the evening, let it stay out all night and chances are it'll be munched on by morning.
I don't see many coyotes around here, but am Dying to get one! Have a perfect spot picked out for the rug! Have a few guys around that see more offering to go out after bow season, but I am hoping to get a chance this year!
I've never had the opportunity, but if I get one I'll be launching arrows until the stinking yote is skinned, tanned and on my wall.
As much as I enjoy harvesting yotes I won't shoot while on stand.I'm always afraid that my trophy of I life time is right around the corner and shooting I coyote just is not worth spooking deer.I take care of the yotes after deer season.
Whats the difference between a coyote running in circles with an arrow sticking out of its side running off your trophy or a coyote that is healthy running off your trophy?

I passed on a coyote last fall to have it come racing back past me a few minutes later chasing a doe. I was pissed at myself for not trying to kill that sucker when I had the chance. It won't ever happen again.
Whats the difference between a coyote running in circles with an arrow sticking out of its side running off your trophy or a coyote that is healthy running off your trophy?

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From what I've seen.A big mature buck is not too intimidated by a coyote.I have seen them run does.
I was gettin' tired of dulling my Muzzy's on coyotes. So in anticipation of season, I went yesterday to Wallyworld and bought the cheapest mechanicals I could find. I'll have at least one of these in my quiver all season just for coyotes. Can't believe I didn't think of this earlier.
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