Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

FOB fletching

My old neighbor shoots them. He likes them.

Flight seemed good including with broad head. Don't group shoot, they break. Though they seemed to hold on tight I would be concerned about brush catching on them and pulling them off. The idea of them coming off as arrow passes through thus giving you a location of animal seems like a positive.

I like fletching arrows. If I didn't I would use the shrink fit type before these.
I finally clicked on the link..... dangest thing I’ve seen for awhile.... but interesting
That is an interesting concept. I wonder if they were narrower and the inner vanes had a slight helical if they would be quieter?
Been around a long time. Never really caught on. The concept is sound and they can work, not just not a game changer.

Really bad groups from my whisker biscuit:confused:
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