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Food during a hunt



I hope you guys can help me out. Some of the best activity under my stand is in the middle of the day. Well, actually it's all day. The problem is I don't want to leave my stand at all once I climb in, but I have to eat sometime. What do you guys bring out to the field to eat on all day hunts?
I usually bring some poptarts for the morning, maybe a sandwich bag full of cookies, a few sandwiches. maybe candybars, it doesnt really matter what you bring, its whatever you like. I like everything, so you just never know what may be in my bag for an all day long sit. granola bars are good too, along with beef jerky, the list is endless, goodluck!!
I agree it's whatever you like. I usally bring a Juice Box, Granola Bar, Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and maybe a couple of relative made into deer sticks.
Cocanut juice and cheese! I think they cancel each other out. Don't they?
Actually Copenhagen LC and Mountain Dew.
i myself usually can survive all day in the stand with just something to drink, like water, dew, dr.pepper etc. but if i feel i will probably become hungry i usually take little pieces of candy to munch on such as those little rootbeer barrels. man, thems good!
Nothing beats a fresh deer heart in the stand, I like mine medium rare!!!
Seriously though, you can't go wrong with PB&J and a couple apples, if you don't finish it the deer will.
Something to drink and an apple or granola bar works just great. Dont want to eat too much might have to climb down and use the little boys brushpile
I'm a Skoal and Dew man myself, but I always have a few snack bars in the fanny pack to tide me over.
oh yeah, can't believe i forgot to add such an important hunting tool, Copenhagen LC.
Geez, I might as well add my snuff into it as well. I'm not big on the soda as it rots your teeth out, so usally some water or a cold one for the lunch hour.
Peanut butter sandwiches are quiet to eat. For snacks I take raw almonds, dates and crystalized ginger which helps to keep you warm and gives you energy. Bottled water to drink.
I used to hassle with trying to take water into the stand.... now I take a small bag of grapes and this work great to quench the thirst!
..... I also take 4 quality granola bars, avoiding the sugary ones.... helps keep me warm
Trail mix and water.

Some of the best deer my huntin buddy has seen are when his hand is in that feed bag. . . never fails
Water to keep me hydrated which keeps you warm, some sandwiches and you can't forget marb. lights if it's cold but I like to have drum in the filed if my fingeres aren't to numb to roll them.!!
Turkey, ham and roast beef, with real butter on the bun, a little mustard, onion, lettuce and slice of cheese. Top it off with a little horseradish sauce, mmm. Two bottles of water and a couple of candy bars, twix or butterfinger, hoho's make a fine desert also. Twizzlers are great for snacking on.
Back when I use to sit in the treestand all day I would bring out one of the giant Hershey candy bars. I would eat a square or two every so many hours. Talked myself into thinking it gave me energy.
I'll take some jerky and a pepsi usually and if it's going to be a long site, the $12.00 pack of McDonald menthols. I know what you're thinking but if the wind is right, i don't hesitate to light one up.
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