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Food Plot Architecture Help


I would like your guy's input on how you would lay out this area from a food plot/access perspective. 7 total acres to work with. 90% of the deer enter the field on the orange arrows. My access is all from the South. Very high deer density and little agriculture in the immediate area compared to the % of area in timber. Has been in soybeans the last several years with a small clover plot in the southeast corner (clover was terminated in the fall). Beans have struggled on the edges next to the timber hence how you can see the bare spots in the arial. Any thoughts appreciated!

I'm not good at looking at maps.
But if you have got 7 acres to play with food plot wise, I'd recommend a 1/2 acre into pumpkins.
An area that gives good sunlight.
I just dont see how you're going to be able to get out of there after an evening hunt.

Is there access from the north? Or just more timber
But if you have got 7 acres to play with food plot wise, I'd recommend a 1/2 acre into pumpkins.
An area that gives good sunlight.
They don't eat the pumpkin plants in the summer while they grow? They always CRUSH old jack o lanterns in the yard
So let me ask you this- are you looking for "one spot" to hunt- how are you wanting to hunt it? I think a bit broader picture might help for that aspect. If you have a good enough screen, the one access next to the bedding wouldnt be terrible, but if they are bedding that close to your access- you might have to give that up. My neighbor for example, made all the bedding right where he walks in and spooks all the deer, and then complains because he doesnt see any.
The other aspect, I assume North is up? That would help decide winds and evening/morning stands
They don't eat the pumpkin plants in the summer while they grow? They always CRUSH old jack o lanterns in the yard
Last year was the first they did it (bout 15 years).
I put up a few steel posts and hung dirty shirts on them. Took care of the problem real quick.
So let me ask you this- are you looking for "one spot" to hunt- how are you wanting to hunt it? I think a bit broader picture might help for that aspect. If you have a good enough screen, the one access next to the bedding wouldnt be terrible, but if they are bedding that close to your access- you might have to give that up. My neighbor for example, made all the bedding right where he walks in and spooks all the deer, and then complains because he doesnt see any.
The other aspect, I assume North is up? That would help decide winds and evening/morning stands
Looking for a good rut set up as well as late season destination. Yes, up is north.
Sweet place! Be fun to see what everyone comes up with.

Is money/income needed from it?

If not - I'd CRP, farm out, or take out of commission the north 1/3 or so along your neighbor, and load the bottom 2/3 of the interior field with food. Maps are tough but I'd guess you're realistically only going to have 1 maybe 2 accessible spots on that field and both will be for similar Northerly winds. It's just going to be hard to get out of there at night if you're not on the south end of it.

Can you see the ag field by the road from the road? If not, or not well, I'd get some standing food down there. Especially on the west side. Would give you a W/SW setup too depending on blind placement

Between the interior field and the fields by the road, your deer should be kept feeding in a safe direction every evening. That's big time!! Should help get a couple extra to the next age class every year!
This is a quick version.
Light green=Clover
Dark green= Brassicas/dbl tree mix(rotate)
Yellow= Grain
Orange=Screen(egyptian wheat)
Red= Stands/Blinds

The reason I would do the southern two legs into clover is because they will be very easy to access during bow season but also the hope would be to not have deer there late season. The Blind location at the tip of the timer finger would be a Box Blind that would control a lot of your scent but also would be the best for late season hunting. Your access isnt perfect but maybe you can cut some trails in there to help. As others have mentioned getting out of there could be tough so you will need to plan for that( make barriers so they can see you or have someone come and pick you up at night). The small interior plot I would do clover and only hunt that on all day sits in November(unless your cams are telling you otherwise and your access is good).
This design should keep deer moving throughout your plots in daylight hours. You may need to fence your grains to make sure you have enough for late season.

Some things I would also consider, putting some water holes near your stands in clover and adding rub post/scrape trees at each stand location.


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I would consider dozing out the pennisula of timber on the south. Based on your topo it lays nice. Based on your setup, I dont want deer bedding there. Based on your aerial, those trees are sucking up ALOT of moisture.
Also I'd seed down or plant trees in SW corner. I don't want deer eating in that far corner either. I'll to remember to make a map. Few other things come to mind.
Thanks to those that replied. This is what I had in mind prior to asking for advice. I was thinking to bulldoze the center ditch and turn it into a pond and then using switch for access concealment. Putting treestands on the green to grain transition set up for a NW wind, and a box blind out in the middle for late season. Please pick this apart. Anything that you guys see may be an issue?
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