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Food Plotters: I need some advice


PMA Member
So, I have about a three acre plot with a mixture of corn, milo, another sorghum mixture, and a clover/chicory biologic mix along one edge. The plot is about 200 yards long or so. The corn was broadcasted in a strip about five yards wide for the entire length, as was the milo and other sorghum in alternating patterns. My question is, what do I do with all of the remaining corn, milo, and other sorghum?? Do you guys just till all of it under before planting again or what? I have a neighbor that has some cows. I thought maybe I could talk to him and let him turn his cattle loose in it to desimate it a little. Would the cattle eat the stalk and all? The plus side to letting my neighbor do this is that he would probably let me use his tractor, disc, and drill to plant it all again for exchange. I also thought about having a friend come out and mow it down and bail it..

What would you do?
I haven't had any experience with corn but with sorghum I mow it then till it under then till it again a few weeks later. It always does a good job. I would think you could accomplish the same with a disk as well.
Sounds like you'd have a lot of trash to deal with this spring even if you tilled it under now........that's part of the reason farmers chisel plow in the fall after the corn is out. I'd ask the farmer if he'd be interested in chopping it and bailing for the cattle. Regardless, you're probably going to have to mow it first before you till it under so it doesnt clog up the equipment.
Burn it in a few weeks.

Chiseling doesn't do much for cutting up trash, it's really for loosening compacted soil. Disking will cut trash but I would definately burn anything that will burn first.
You could disk around it real well and burn on a calmer day. Still kind of risky though...
I would mow it and disc it under.

I agree...I always chopped my corn stalks in late March and then either no-till planted or disced it under.

Even cattle won't clean it up entirely but there is nothing wrong with helping your neighbor out in trade for use of equipment later....:way:
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