It can!!!! My 5103 cleared some junk & pushed pretty big trees back in the dayJust saw this on Facebook, wow!
Can a John Deere 5M push over trees?
Here’s my GUT…. FB came in with an army…. Everyone else was against them. It appeared like “everyone is for the bill” as 5 billion farm bureau folks got to spew illogical talking points. Then…. We got a chance to expose the garbage they started off with. I think the good guys punched enough holes in it to keep it from passing this year. I think it’ll be back next year. That’s my guess. Which- if that’s the case - we got our work cut out for us BUT- it’s a win that it didn’t pass. Had there been no opposition- woulda passed. Luckily - among the orchestra of misinformation by FB- we had sane voices of TRUTH that were heard.Should we know the outcome of this sometime this week?
I got the email too..Great news for Iowa hunters! We owe Skip a big thanks for all his effort in fighting the bad bills..I donated money to help fight against the bad bills and will do the same next year.
I just got this update email from the IBA Looks like we won.
I Want to personally thank Skip for everything he does, this has to take a lot of his time and even money to help defend all this.
As the 2024 legislative session comes to a close, the Iowa Bowhunters Association wants to thank everyone for their active participation and grassroots efforts this year. Please review our achievements below and join us in celebration of protecting, defending, and promoting bowhunting in Iowa.
The collective efforts of our members resulted in the successful passage of a bill to increase fines for trespassers, a measure to uphold the integrity of our hunting grounds and ensure the safety of our fellow bowhunters. Additionally, our commitment to conserving our natural resources halted a bill that aimed to eliminate the state's forest reserve program.
We were also able to defend three bills that would have only benefited nonresident hunters. All the bills would of had a negative impact on Iowa Bowhunters.
Our collective voice also played a pivotal role in defeating the bill that sought to restrict the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) from acquiring land. By defeating this proposal, we have ensured the continued accessibility of public lands in Iowa for all to enjoy.
Your dedication and your willingness to take action made a tangible difference during this legislative session. As we celebrate our achievements, let us also remain vigilant and steadfast in our commitment to advancing the interests of bowhunters across our state.
Please encourage everyone you know that bow hunts in Iowa to be a member of the IBA. Our membership is what allows the IBA to protect, defend, and promote the sport of archery and bowhunting in Iowa.
Thanks again for your support!
^^^^^THIS is your $ at work!!!! No other donation or organizations are doing what IBA & ISC are!!!! Goes directly to the fight for hunters and probably one of the most effective & efficient donations anyone could make!!! Thanks to all that support these 2 amazing groups. What I owe IBA is “priceless” as they have kept iowa great while other states were steamrolled. Every experience each fall- I can’t forget which organization allowed this to happen!! My pleasure & duty to be a humble servant for the younger generation + everyday hunter & fragile environment.I got the email too..Great news for Iowa hunters! We owe Skip a big thanks for all his effort in fighting the bad bills..I donated money to help fight against the bad bills and will do the same next year.
This is at least 5th year.Is this the third year in a row of them coming after the timber reserve program?
So year 6 is almost a given. We need to start our efforts earlier and maybe somehow go on the offensive?This is at least 5th year.
To that point ^^ many know that farmers, and lets face it, the real driver here is the Farm Bureau, are able to purchase many, many items without sales tax being applied to the transaction. I dunno about you...but nearly everything I buy I pay sales tax on it. Why are we subsidizing farmers and not say, accountants, plumbers, engineers, etc, etc, etc?So year 6 is almost a given. We need to start our efforts earlier and maybe somehow go on the offensive?
Thought of this exact same thing!!!!!! I pay zero sales tax on: tractors, farm supplies, seed, fertilizer, fuel, etc etc!!!! Because I’m a “farmer”. “I’m not paying my fair share”…. Right? I AM RIGHT!!!! Now- let’s see what farm bureau would say if the compromise was: tax the little bit of forest we have left AND …. APPLY SALES TAX ON AG ITEMS!!!!! U know how fast their view would change? Their view would changed in less than 1 second.To that point ^^ many know that farmers, and lets face it, the real driver here is the Farm Bureau, are able to purchase many, many items without sales tax being applied to the transaction. I dunno about you...but nearly everything I buy I pay sales tax on it. Why are we subsidizing farmers and not say, accountants, plumbers, engineers, etc, etc, etc?
Knowing full well the power of the FB and the roots of agriculture in this state, I say it's high time that the rest of us start punching them in the nose and leveling things up. I am tired of farmers getting breaks that the rest of us don't...
Kinda serious here.