IMPORTANT FOR FOLKS TO KNOW!!!... "Govermnent needs $!".... Land owner's property taxes just went up 20-35% (depending on county) in the last 6 months. That's a LOT of increased funds going to every county now!!! It's also a steep increased cost to incur for the averaged income landowner. Most landowners (no, most are not "Mega rich") look at an extra $1,000-5,000 tacked on to their already large tax bill, with concern. This last Spring's taxes were an eye opener for everyone opening their tax bill.
Side points...
1) The Government ALWAYS needs more $!!!! Never ends. They rarely or never say they can do with less!!!! Government rarely, if ever makes cut backs. To the contrary, their budgets USUALLY increase yearly. Private sector often has to adapt to decreases in spending & budgets. Government does or often can run with massive waste, inefficiencies & has an almost impossible task of terminating incompetent employees. The private sector goes bankrupt or out of business with the same structure.
2) We agree we need road work, schools, etc. We are taxing the daylights out of folks. Housing, AG, whatever.... It's now the highest it's ever been. Is there anyone who feels they are not paying enough?
3) Like stated & would seem obvious.... 5-6% timber.... If we want to encourage the removal of timber to be put in production, this is a great way how. The reason the Forest Reserve Program EXISTS is the protect this little remaining timber in the most transformed state of the 50 states.
4) Most counties in Iowa have very little forest left & are not impacted greatly at all because of this. The counties that are impacted - look at their overall tax revenue & the Forest Reserve is drop in the bucket VS the overall revenue.
5) Be careful what you wish for!!! Doesn't take a long memory to recall Iowa Forests continuing to be removed, dozed in & impacts of it (that's with FOREST RESERVE IN PLACE!!)....
AMENDMENT FOR THE BILL!!!! I propose the "IW Generosity Tax Ammendment"!!!!..... There will be a blank space on everyone's tax returns.... CHECK THIS BOX: X & FILL OUT THIS COLUMN WITH SAID $ AMOUNT... $_______ is what I would like to pay in addition to my tax bill. Everyone who feels we don't pay enough will have the ability to contribute additional $ to the county or state!!!