Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Found Deer


Active Member
While walking through the timber this shotgun season, has anyone stumbled upon any dead deer? What did you do with them? The reason I ask, is because we were walking some public ground Saturday morning, and I walked up on a dead 8 pt with the a$$ end eaten out by the coyotes. Upon further inspection, the buck was dead from a bowhunter who shot him through the liver. It looked like he had only been dead for a day or so. I hope the bow hunter found his deer.
(If this is someones deer from IW, PM with the name of the public ground and approximate location where you shot him, and I'll help give you directions)
Along similar lines:

Last Friday's CR Gazette had a pic of a 12 point that their outdoor writer found while fishing along the Wapsi. The hunter can contact CO Scott Kinseth to claim it (convince them that you did in fact shoot it and still have a valid tag). The author was Orlan Love and he can be contacted at 319-934-3172 or orlan.love@gazettecommunications.com if you are getting more info on the location of his find.
During the MN rifle season I walked across a dead doe the second weekend in a drive.
After we got out the owner of the land told me they had seen that deer the weekend before aswell. I didnt look to be eatin on by anything. I just left it.

We found a pretty nice eleven point that was completely eaten. The only part left was the head and part of the neck. Just bones pretty much.
Our group found 2 dead bucks, and the group hunting the neighboring property also found 2 dead bucks and a dead doe. Some people see nothing wrong with unloading on a buck running 40 mph across a field 150 yds away, and when it doesn't drop in its tracks, they never even take the effort to go look for blood. Shame on you, poor excuse for a hunter. A true hunter has respect for his quarry and will only take a shot that is a killing shot. I have let many a shooter go because they were running wide open, I will wait for an ethical shot. I feel the guy upstairs appreciates this and has rewarded me with several trophy bucks. My $.02.
Were these bucks fresh kills or old ones? If they were fresh what did you do with them, and if they were old how could they have been killed by people shooting at running deer 150 yards away? Just courious.
We found one dead buck durring bow season on our farm that was eaten up a bit... He was about a 120 10 pointer. We also found an approxomate 75" 6 pointer shot through the neck last Sunday on our farm also. His @$$ was eaten out too. My buck I mercy killed Sunday was not dead but close to it from 3 previous shots the day before. Other than a few other blood trails from unknown deer that we couldnt follow we didnt find much more. Hopefull thats all we will find but I doubt it is...
i found a 140 class buck in southern iowa . had split brow tine`s, pretty cool. dont know what killed him he was picked clean. ended up giving the head to the farmers land we were hunting , made him very happy . now he`s going to let us put in food plot`s, plus gave us more ground to hunt.
now he`s going to let us put in food plot`s, plus gave us more ground to hunt.

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If you would have said he had a drop tine you would have made my day.. I hit one on public on the 21st and am still looking for him.
While doing a drive on the bordering property that we have permission next to our land we heard a bunch of shots just north of us and wondered who that could be because no one else had permission to be on the land but us. SO after the drive is over we meet toghether and ended up getting 6 deer and were off to help drag back a doe that someone in my group had shot . While walking we found a dead button buck that had been freshly killed. We look around and there is a small metal ladder stand not 20 yards away. The button buck had been shot in the spine and you could tell it dropped right in it's tracks. We ended up gutting it and found that it had to have been from teh shots that were unknown because he was still steaming pretty good. So we found out for sure that no one was saposed to be there and put one of our tags on it. It mad us very mad to know that someone was trepassing right in front of us and even goes and shoots deer and leaves them. Who knows how many others he got or wounded. In total we heard at least 8 shots from people that were not saposed to be there.
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