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Friday = Rain, Shrooms and..............


Well-Known Member
a big ol Jelly Head. So the plan was to head to IL and hunt Friday but with some severe weather predicted for that area all day I decided against it. I already had the day off so I decided to set the alarm and see how the weather was here in the morning. Alarm goes off, no rain and I am out the door to chase long beards. The plan was to bow hunt for 4th season but I wasn't going to try it without a blind so I decided I would gun hunt a bit that morning and then bow hunt whenever I could hook up with Muddy (since he had the blind). I knew I was only going to get a few opprotunities to hunt during 4th season due to a hectic work schedule for May so I decided I would tag a mature bird only with the gun and anything bearded with a bow if and when I got the opprotunity.

Well at 5:15 the dekes are out, I sat down and 30 seconds later an all out down pour started, boy was I happy that I crawled out of bed. Anyhow, I stuck it out and never had a long beard come within range, a few jakes and hens but the big boys were no where to be seen. After sitting in the rain for about an hour, I was dripping wet and freezing so I decided to head for the car, get to the car and the rain stops so I decide to dry off and head back out. After several uneventful hours I decide to switch farms but before I can make it out of the timber I run into a bunch of shrooms, so that consumed several hours. Finally, it is 4:00 in the afternoon and I decide to head out of town so I can hunt IL in the morning. On my way down the gravel road I spot a familiar tom in a pasture I have permission to hunt and this boy has been getting the best of me all year so I have to give him a shot. I grab the gear and hit the timber, quietly moving his way along a logging road. When I think I am within a 100 yds. I pop my head over a knoll and sure enough he is working my way with a Jake. I quickly setup and give out a few loud yelps, the jake immediately heads my way, and works to about 15 yds, however he decides he doesn't like something and takes off flying, I am thinking great this damn tom is going to spook and get the best of me again. I give a couple more soft yelps, and to my suprise he is not spooked at all, he goes into strut and begins to slowly make his way my direction, bingo I am in business. He closes the distance slowly and since I knew the jake already didn't like something about my setup I wasn't going to let the tom get in as tight. At 35 yds. I dropped the hammer and closed out my IA season. The bird goes 25.5 lbs., 10.5" beard and 1 1/4 spurs.



Some of the big morels (actually the biggest I have every found)

Nice work, Jarin!

We found a few shrooms like that yesterday. With todays weather, I almost wish I had spent the time turkey hunting.
You are getting it done partner! Your back must ache from those heavy birds and my dead weight.
Great season man!
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