Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Friend's of Iowa didn't go away!

I DO NOT support the agenda of FOI....but this is a very good point.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I mean honestly, why does anyone try to manage the deer herd? So farmer Ted doesn't hit one driving to Casey's in the morning or to grow big bucks? I think it is mainly the people like to shoot deer and aren't really thinking about helping out the state, and two everyone wants to grow big bucks. Nobody is going geez if I could just kill 100 deer this year, I would really help the state out this year. I know I don't.

Like I said before, I'm growing tired of the management topic...heck my latest issue of NAW is half management stuff. Let's get back to just going hunting.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Like I said before, I'm growing tired of the management topic...heck my latest issue of NAW is half management stuff. Let's get back to just going hunting. </div></div>

Read some of Hellickson's articles on the FOI site.....I don't know how the hell hunting could even be fun anymore if I had to scrutinize crap that much. It's all a little perverse in my opinion.
if nr landowners own 21% of the land then it is possible that if the laws so change , many of those people within the 21% may sell their land to reap the rewars of their investments. last year people were buying land close to the 3k / acre range. when they change the laws, if they change the laws, what you are likely to see is a mass exodus of seller is places like illinois and wisconsin and a lot of buyers in iowa, so if we can agree that illionois on average is lets saY 4k/acre and land in iowa today is selling for 2k an acre , my guess is land will bump back up to the 3k level. and illinois will drop down to 3k more of an equilibrium. their is only so much land for sale, my neighbor is 85 years old , he is not selling, where would he go? sure some people may sell, i truly believe , people that want to sell have sold , this land boom has been going on last 6 years . as for nr landowners, i am surrounded by them, and i have to say, they are there all the time, all of them, at least one time a month. NR could easily be given 1 doe tag for every 40 acres they own especially for this late rifle season, no nr is going to buy more land just to shoot a doe in january, but it does give them the opportunity they want to manage. I said this in my last post, nr landowners are working the loopholes in the system, shooting all the deer they want and the state turns their cheek, so now all these guys are not even paying the elevated license fees, shame on us for not collecting the money these people would be happy to pay. we as residenst can pretend its not happening , but just beacuse its not legal, does not mean its not happening, it is and its everywhere !
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DG1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So rising land cost is the main reason for not allowing NR landowner tags? </div></div>

Sent a PM answering all your questions and yes that was one of them but not the only reason I stated there.

I did think keeping what we have for future generations for our kids was one of them.

Some people are money driven in their actions and in this race FOI and the realtors are and they do not care what they affect for our future.

Anyway thanks for your comments.

** If you have any more questions please PM me.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I am going to mention first I am a huge IBA supporter, and if your posting in this thread and not a member, then your complaints fall on deaf ears, but on a side note, doesn't the IBA auction a NR buck tag each year? Just wondering.</div></div>

Last year the DNR started a new program.They gave out 5 conservation tags(not gov. tags)The IBA,DU,RMEF,Big Horn Sheep Foundation and one other group got them.Profits were split 50/50 with DNR. We were told if the IBA doesn't want the tag other groups will.So the IBA accepted it.Our share went to the Archery in School Program and helped out 3 more schools.

I was a member of the Deer Advisory Committee and objected to FOI being given 15 minutes to state their case.What pluses they made with committee was quickly shut down by an email that was sent out by one of their board members.I've had several conversations with FOI and we couldn't find much common ground.

They have an agenda and not much good for Iowans will come from it.IMO
I have not researched FOI and do not endorse, recommend, or send any money to them in any way. They probably to do not represent me the average NR landowner. I do think some degree of change in the NR landowner tags is probably coming. I do not necessarily think this is good or bad for your state but I definitely think it could be alot worse than that. NR landowners are invested to a degree to your management practices and if willing to spend the money to buy ground out of state for hunting is probably not the worst type of hunter to have around. That being said I will not be heartbroken if NR landowner tags are never given but I don't think it would be as bad as what many of you think. Land prices are going to rise regardless. Agriculture ground has increased approx. 18% a year in Iowa for the last few years. Like all real estate the sooner you can buy the better. In my opinion the worst thing for Iowa would be an increase in general NR tags. This would be the ultimate demise to the quality iowa deer hunting everyone loves. That is where your leasing and outfitting will come from.
I do not push for NR landowner tags and this is the first time I have ever had a discussion with anyone about this. If NR landowner tags would hurt the quality of hunting in Iowa then I hope it doesn't happen. I'm just not convinced it will if done properly
What you guys that are tired of this crap really need to do is send your $35.00 into the IBA and come have a nice dinner and entertainment with us at the Spring Banquet.

At the very least you know you've helped support the cause and made some good friends.

Anyone who thinks FOI won't make a damn circus out of rural.... Iowa is smoke'n somethin not legal. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif :

Hellickson and his 3500 acre Iowa lease and $1000 fines for shooting young deer can be sent back to Texas if people gave a [censored]....
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