Jerry Gille
I am taking 15 acres of field out of production to play with in 2021. I already started planting trees and direct seeding acorns earlier this fall after the beans were removed. I want to put some clover plots in here and there and a few pockets of switch grass. I will do more tree/shrub plantings in the spring around these areas. I have never frost seeded clover or switch - or anything for that matter. There is residue from the bean stubble which the deer are actually pounding right now. Is there any benefit to trying to drag/rake off the areas for the switch and clover thus exposing more direct soil? Or will it be fine to just put the seed on the bean stubble residue as is? I am sure I can pull a drag in those areas and expose more soil but is that even worth it? Will the small seed find its way to the soil after snow melt or rain anyway? This is west central Illinois and won't happen until sometime in March. Thanks.