Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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I think it's a little cold out.
That is one cool picture. Makes me want to run upstairs and jump under the covers. Good Job on that one Mr. Wood
I started with Vcams and now use homebrews much like what Jason puts together. Hard to beat a quality homebrew but some of the cheaper(low resolution) discontinued digitals make it easier everyday for folk to use these things. I just posted photos of my last homebrew in Vmans post on trail camera building.
I see. I'll check it out! I've got to quit messing around and either buy a homebrew or hack one up myself.
Ironwood, was that deer still standing there froze when you checked the camera, damn he looks cold
awesome pic. I am so thankful to have a warm home to come home to.
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