G5 Warranty and Optix XR


Active Member
I'm currently considering a G5 Optix XR bow sight. It looks like a great product but I can't find anything on the warranty.

Does anyone have any real world experience with the sight or have any experiences with G5's warranty department? Thanks!
Is this the one with a floating pin?

You should do a search on archerytalk. I looked into this sight like a year ago and there was a lot of people having problems with them. Problems like the movable pin would move after every shot (not repeatable) and some others I can't recall. I went with a HHA 5519 and never looked back.
Yeah, that's the one 3 pin fixed with a floating pin that has a dial to shoot longer ranges.

I did some searching on AT and from what I could find, they had some issues with the earlier models but have since fixed the problem of the floating pin moving after the shot and with the buzzing noise coming from the fiber optics vibrating.
I've seen a lot of people come in the shop with broken G5 sights - they are almost all plastic - discouraging to see for what they cost.