Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

General Observations


J Becker

What were your guys' general observations of this weekend. Bucks, does, ages of bucks, times, locations...? I saw alot of does moving from sun-up through 10:00 and does from 5:00 through after sunset. I also saw some small 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 year old bucks scattered throughout this time.

Next weekend should be good too. According to my Prediction Calendar , we should be seeing more ucks moving looking for other bucks to fight. Calling should be successful.

i have been seeing lots of deer activity. lots of does and small bucks. last night i saw 8 does and 3 bucks in two hrs. the eights were only 2 1/2 but the nine pointer i saw at least 3 1/2, probably 130's
lots of does and a few small bucks. last night i saw 2eights and a nine pointer. all were sparring with each other and the nine was at least 3 1/2 and in the 130s
It would be nice if your prediction calender was correct. It would play right into my vacation days here in MN.

I did not see much for action yesterday, but we had gail force winds again.
a bunch of does and a small 8 pointer sunday morning

However things picked up Sunday evening, 2 shooter 10 pointers on there feet (140" on one and 150-155" on the other). First time in this stand all year and was pretty excited to see all the sign around it, I have harvested a buck the last two years from this stand and hopefully it will pan out again

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