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Giant Sunflowers for rubbing posts


Well-Known Member
Seeing IBH post about sunflowers got me thinking. I don't think I've ever shared this little gem before?
Quite a few years ago (15)? I planted about 6_8 Giant brand seeds around a garden by my cabin just for fun. They got to be from 9 _12 feet tall and a super heavy stalk.
When fall came, the bucks absolutely hammered them!!
Since then, I've done it every year. Have not seen even one not get rubbed.
If they get a big enough stalk, even big heavy bucks can't tip them over.
They do need to be caged in though as the deer will eat them when small and growing.
Take the cages off mid Oct and watch out!
Give it a try guys.
Seeing IBH post about sunflowers got me thinking. I don't think I've ever shared this little gem before?
Quite a few years ago (15)? I planted about 6_8 Giant brand seeds around a garden by my cabin just for fun. They got to be from 9 _12 feet tall and a super heavy stalk.
When fall came, the bucks absolutely hammered them!!
Since then, I've done it every year. Have not seen even one not get rubbed.
If they get a big enough stalk, even big heavy bucks can't tip them over.
They do need to be caged in though as the deer will eat them when small and growing.
Take the cages off mid Oct and watch out!
Give it a try guys.
where you source seeds for this? Want to try!
It works wonders. I may have a source for seeds in large quantity- but typically any farm store has pound or less of them
@Bucksnbears - is it necessary to cage them early on? I planted some this week as well and caged a couple, but most of them I didn't.
For me- if I only do a few they eat the leaves off. Last year they got 2 rows 80 feet long in one night- next day I had to fence off. Once they find me and know they like them- it’s like candy
DeerDown, yeppers.
That's why I only do a small amount each year.
I usually do them right in front of my cabin for viewing pleasure.
The pics 83 posted are exactly like how I do it.
One more thing, once they get 4' or so tall, I start clipping the lower leaves/ stems off close to the trunk.
And will continue all summer.
Come mid October, when the cages come off, that bare stalk up 6' or so with alot of higher stems/ leaves seems killer.
Cheap/easy fun project.
If you have bucks around, they WILL find them. Lol.
Some farmers say sunnies are drought tolerance but I still water them.
May sound stupid but I baby the few I plant each year.lol.

I'm happy to see you fellas doing this.

Next episode on Bowmar Bowhunting.

Please take pics as the season progresses,, I'll try n do the same.
It works wonders. I may have a source for seeds in large quantity- but typically any farm store has pound or less of them
Many years ago (2004?) I was looking for a source to buy giant sunflower in large quantity because I wanted to try them in combination with Egyptian wheat for screening. I was hoping the giant sunflowers would hold up the Egyptian wheat to keep it from bending over late season and snapping off. The seed I bought in a little store packet grew 12'-14' and the deer didn't bother them too much but that may have been the variety I had or just luck. It probably wouldn't have worked out anyway and there are probably better options these days but I remember being frustrated at how much difficulty I had trying to find a good source for giant sunflowers. Everything was shorter varieties for seed and dove hunting.

Never heard of bucks rubbing on them before! Interesting.
No I haven't but will this year.

Will save seeds from the one that has the biggest diameter.

Side note. I learned this from a youtuber that grows them.
Once they get a few feet tall, clip of the lower leaves/ stems close to the trunk and continue till the reach full height.
Supposedly they will get thicker/ taller.
It does seem to help imo.
I do it all the time- biggest thing is making sure they are dry. I use an old screen door and a fan. Helps blow the unwanted out and moisture control. Works great and then you have plenty of seeds
For saving pumpkin seeds, I've always just laid the seeds out flat on newspapers, seeds not touching. I flip the seeds every 3 or 4 days. Wait 10-14 days until they are nice and dry and then store in my basement in manilla envelopes. You probably get better and faster dry times with the screen......
For saving pumpkin seeds, I've always just laid the seeds out flat on newspapers, seeds not touching. I flip the seeds every 3 or 4 days. Wait 10-14 days until they are nice and dry and then store in my basement in manilla envelopes. You probably get better and faster dry times with the screen......
Yes- that’s why I switched. Used to do the paper but if I ended up forgetting a night it seemed to be a disaster. Plus with sunflower- when you pull the seeds out of the flower you get a lot of “junk” with it. So the fan helps blow that out.
Also- do not store in plastic- the Manila envelopes are the way to go
I did save seeds from pumpkins last year. First time doing that.
I Germ tested them this winter in the house and they did well.
Those packets we buy have on average 25, 30 seeds. At 3$ a package, and planting a big amount, I'll start saving seeds.
Well that sucks!! Sure was looking forwards to the progress.
Never had a bad pack of seeds..

Are you sure mice didn't dig them up??
I had that problem this year. First time ever with both pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

I only have 4 outta 9 that made it.
Edited too add...

Guessing it's to late to get a great plant going but perhaps try this.
Put 2 seeds 3 inches apart, make sure the soil is real wet, cover them up with a clear ice cream bucket.
Once they pop out of the soil, take the bucket off andget them caged.
Just a thought.
Even if they make it only 6_8 feet tall, the bucks will still hammer them but most likely push them over.
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I did save seeds from pumpkins last year. First time doing that.
I Germ tested them this winter in the house and they did well.
Those packets we buy have on average 25, 30 seeds. At 3$ a package, and planting a big amount, I'll start saving seeds.

I had a volunteer vine come up in the garden this year and it grow. First “gourd” looked like a cross between zucchini and a pumpkin, which is totally possible. Did you have any other cucurbits to possibly cross pollinate with the seeds you saved?

Piglets liked the “pumpkini”.

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