Ghost - just curious, with a buck that you essentially know lives on your property, or is at least in the area often enough to get his picture taken multiple times over a lengthy period of time, how many times have you seen him in person?
I am just trying to get a sense of what one might see while they are hunting v. what is actually present, at least some of the time. Maybe more bucks are nocturnal than we even think about...
I usually see some of the same bucks multiple times each fall, but then again the bucks I have shot I am fairly certain were "new" to me, at least that year. In other words, I think I have shot a couple of strangers.
Just curious...
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Daver, trails cams have taught me several important things.
- A whitetail bucks range is much larger than I ever imagined.
- You have absolutely no idea what deer are in your hunting area unless you run a lot of cams the year round.
- Many of the best bucks you will ever kill are one time visiters to your area.
- Some of the bucks you will fully document on camera will never be seen by you or anyone else, especially after 4 years old.
Oh, and Ryan, come on man, it's the start of June..... Gimpy will be going with Gabe to the Iowa Deer Classic next year...