The Hunt Never Ends....
Alex called me today around 12:30 while I was at work and said, "There is a big tom in the field by the house, should I go after him with the fan?" I said, 'sure, go for it.'
About an hour later she sent me a picture message of a dead bird.
She snuck out of the fenceline with the 'widow maker' (flextone decoy w/ fan on stick attached) about 80 or so yards from the tom, called a few times, turned the decoy, and BOOM....he was on his way, charging in.
At 8 yards she sent her arrow through his vitals and killed her first bow bird ever!
I'm not going to lie....I am still in shock, and VERY VERY PROUD! :way:

About an hour later she sent me a picture message of a dead bird.
She snuck out of the fenceline with the 'widow maker' (flextone decoy w/ fan on stick attached) about 80 or so yards from the tom, called a few times, turned the decoy, and BOOM....he was on his way, charging in.
At 8 yards she sent her arrow through his vitals and killed her first bow bird ever!
I'm not going to lie....I am still in shock, and VERY VERY PROUD! :way: