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Giving up on "Scent Free"

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Typical250</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Leave the bar, if your high enough, it don't matter.

Now Bear hunting is a different story tho:)</div></div>

do what I do /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

hunt on all4s
Pretty good idea to give up on the "scent-free"... I know you know so I'll avoid that part of your problem.

About the dryer...is this right after they come out of the dryer? Do they still exhibit the same smell after they've cooled down?

I've never understood how a person could think that the wife/old lady could do weeks and weeks of laundry (with all the perfumy $hit them women like to use) and then expect to put some magical formula through a cycle with their hunting clothes without the wife's/old lady's smelly $hit impregnanting the hunting clothes.

The "micro" particles on which a deer can detect scent should all but kick any idea of using your regular washing machine or dryer in the a$$. I'm not sure of many people who can legitimately purchase a brand new washer and dryer for the sould purpose of hunting clothes.

Hand washing with the magical formula and hanging outside to dry is about the only way to go, IMO.
I tried to vie for a separate washer/dryer but that got shut down. Maybe when we move into a new house and I have an out building, but I won't keep my fingers crossed.

Hand washing would be the way to go for sure. I generally run a load of water through the washer and load it up with scent free soap and baking soda. Then I will wash and USUALLY air dry but this was a special circumstance as I wanted to hunt the next morning and after the snow/rain I really didn't have a choice.

Oh well.

To answer you turtL, the smell lingers for awhile (after the dryer) and then goes away after things air out for awhile. The carbon clothing I threw away retained that weird chemical smell for weeks where my Gray Wolf stuff doesn't.

Hand washing, yeah, I might start doing that but the spin cycle sure gets a lot of excess water out. Drip drying would take a LONG time.
I wish a product existed that actually could reduce scent below the levels that a whitetail is capable of smelling - I can't imagine what that would do to my success (or all of ours).

Until that happens, I realize I stink, can't do anything about it. Hunt the wind, take the right entries and exits into stands, and constantly hunt new areas/sets. That's my theory and it keeps me on deer.
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