Glueing Inserts


PMA Member
I received my first carbon arrows (shafts)for Christmas this year. I normally build my own arrows, but haven't touched carbon before. What's the best glue to use for the inserts? Should I use goat tough? Does hot glue work?

Thanks in advance. I need to get them done to start shooting early this year!
i'd go with goat tuff or that black glue by LocTite 380. i've used both when i was at scheels and have had very good results with both of them. i'd stay away from hot glue personally.
I use PowerBond. Never have any problems with it. Work great on miscellaneous stuff around the house too!
I use two part epoxy.It's quite a bit cheaper than powerbond and works great.
I use fast fletch glue for carbons, and hot melt glue for aluminums. They work very good, and you can shoot them after about 15 minutes. Try Central Iowa Archery for both of them. Good Luck