Lil perspective & 2 cents - exactly what this is worth…
I’ve passed a gazillion deer I “never saw again” so I can easily throw that one out the window of concern whether I shoot a buck or not. Think about how many bucks a guy passes…. 50 - 100 a season for example. How many of those u think you gonna put ur tag on? Small amount in long run!!!!
Big bucks I’ve shot - they are a TINY % of the deer I’ve passed BUT…. I’d say the overwhelming majority are deer I’ve passed at younger ages. So I do see it translate for self & others OFTEN to pass a buck & get him later. When it’s “1 year away” I’d kinda say most cases are 50/50 on average… “I found him dead”. “Another guy got him”. Or “I found his sheds and got a crack the next year”. FOR sure can go both ways. I’m ok with that but that’s ME. Some folks aren’t. Fine.
I personally stick by standards NOW but ive “deviated” in past. Say I wanted to shoot 3 year olds or older. A 2 year old gets shot. I’m PERSONALLY a little bummed inside but that’s just me. Some folks are more like “but dude, the experience & how it went down & the memory of that hunt”…. Totally get it. If ur the type that’s like “whoa, that blew my mind- amazing!” - DO IT. If u are like “deep inside i think I might regret this” DON’T IMO.
Theres no right or wrong - clearly. It’s not a competition EXCEPT vs your self and your own goals. That’s the ONLY competition that matters. One could say “he’s my biggest buck” & absolutely valid. Another might say “next year he’d be my biggest by a lot more & id 100% know I’d wanna shoot him” - absolutely valid.
So- I think what I’m saying & what everyone else is saying, in a way….. only u know this. U r the decision maker & everyone on here would be like “awesome” on however this played out. Or “darn, sorry, that sucks- he didn’t make it. BEEN THERE” if it goes that way. Or next year “holy crap- props on how that worked out”. I think in YOUR GUT - u know the answer….. go witn that.

Other side tangent…. I get “softer” as the season goes on. Example….. maybe a farm has 2 deer of same age I’d shoot. I tag one. All the sudden it’s past gun season & the second is still there. Like some folks above - I often go “eah- he’s gonna make it. Let him go”. That’s the softy or conservative minded part of my brain coming out. As of TODAY- MO rifle gotta be close to done. Hmmmm.