gobbler update..


Hey guys been in the middle of some good hunts the past couple weeks taking friends and family out. I was just wanting to get a mid season gobbler report on movement, behaivor, responsiveness, etc? Have had a few toms be pretty decoy shy to my jake and hen setup...what's ur guys luck been with?..have had a few be pretty decoy shy lately but still responding well mid day (when not with the gals).
They have been hot in western iowa. Had 4 toms on my dekes in the last 2 days. Filled a bow tag this morning. I've been using a hen, submissive hen and jake. Monday evening was the first sign of the toms wanting anything to do with my jake. I would be out the next couple days for sure in my area.
Been a strange year this year. Had snow for the first couple days of 1st season, had some extreme weather changes from 80 degrees to 30 and windy all within 24hrs. I'd say if you held out for two 4th season tags you will be in for a treat as from what I've seen I'd say birds are just now starting to split up and they seem to be a bit more vocal once on the ground at least over the past couple days. Mid day action has picked up and birds are actually traveling and "searching" to find a lady.