That right there is why I don't discuss politics with anyone but a few close friends and family. I really like your posts and your sense of humor DG but what you said right there appears to be enough to draw me out. What your saying is anyone who does not agree with your view point (which I bet if we actually got into it there is probably more we agree on then don't) is Anti-American? WRONG! If you can't honestly admit that terms like that have been co-opted, or should I say corrupted, by the right to bully, shame, rally or fool people into agreeing them it's time to lay off the cool aid.
I am not a liberal, nor radical, nor atheist. I have not forgotten that this country was founded on rights and freedoms that the far right OR left would infringe on. I want the pledge of allegiance said in school but I prefer the original version. I DON"T want a whole lot of God or Religion in public life but you can't have my money
. Many of the supporters of RR are also the type of people that are easily offended and want to ban that which offends them too.
I did not think much of the debate last night. When I saw the thread I knew I would read a bunch of complaints about the VP's actions and I don't disagree. But come on! The Lord could have placed a halo on his head and wings on his back and you all would still be be trashing him. He did say one thing that stuck with me though. I can't quote it but it was in regard to their faiths and his position that while his faith guides him in his daily life he would not legislate it onto others.
I've been undecided through this whole campaign. I was hopeful that the Republicans would have a good candidate. The pool was disappointing to say the least, and for that they should be ashamed. I thought I may be able to support Romney in the beginning, he had a track record as a moderate, watching him flip flop and say whatever needed to be said at the time and move to the right to get the nomination then try to come back to the middle in the first debate sealed the deal for me. In the past I have voted for people from both parties. Not this time. I rolled my eyes at those that supported Ross Perot and now I'm going to eat crow.
I will be voting for the Libertarian party candidate this year. I am sick and tired of the fringes controlling both parties.
Sorry. Rant over. I really need to get out and hunt.