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God has blessed America.

I think you're giving too much credit to the Repub's. IMO they are as corrupt as the Dem's, they just don't get as much payback when they don't have Congress and the Presidency....So, my thought is, if Trump follows the money, he might burn down the entire place, not just the Dem's house....you don't think they are all corrupt, then you're more an optimist than I am... People are pointing out how rich Schumer, Pelosi are, have you seen McConnell's net worth? Plenty in the swamp on the take, not limited to the Dems IMO. I think back to Bush, Cheney.....shudder......
So, do they hold back to save their party or do they let the chips fall as they may and give America back to the people instead of the swamp? Time will tell.
Not a doubt in my mind it is on both sides - Niki Haley, dirty as they get, McConnell-crook. But I do believe it is heavier on the democratic side, and as Skip said, establishment all need voted out!!

Expose it all and then let the American people decide who should be kept based on who voted for corrupt, pork filled bills and who didn’t.

Trump might not be able to cut it all but he can expose it all, that is all we need!
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