Good Aluminum Stands?


New Member
Thought I'd ask if anyone has an aluminum stand they prefer. My brother and I have had several different types and they either have slick platforms, which can be cured, or they pop and creek due to heat/cold/expanding/contracting. We've bolted a piece of mesh to the platforms before, but the sound thing is difficult to cure. Most are made in the South where they don't have temp extremes. Thanks.
I know that Lone Wolf gets a lot of press.... but it is a great solid cast aluminum stand... no creaks, rough platform, and around 10 lbs.... it is hard to beat for a hang-on stand..... the climbing sticks work great as well.........
I have a couple lone wolf stands and they are hard to beat,I also like my stag horn stands and they work better on the smaller trees that you often find in western states.
From my experience you can't go wrong with an API. I own several different brands of treestands and the APIs are the only ones I haven't had a problem with.
i have to agree, lone wolf makes the best hang on stand out there. we sell alot of nice stands in our shop and nothing can compare to lone wolf. just my 2 cents worth.
Like SD Buck, I prefer API Baby Grand. I have two of them and feel very safe in them.
Not sure if any of you have ever tried this before but it worked for me. On a couple of my old API stands and now with the Rivers edge stands I use I am taking that Expandable Foam spray and filling in all the cavaties of the aluminum supports. This quiets down the stands and when you travel through the woods and bump into brush or a tree it sounds more solid than like a hollow piece of aluminum. It doesn't effect the weight of the stand that much either. Take an old stand and try it out.

Great idea with the foam tom,Iwill have to give it a try.I also use API stands,three baby grands,one which has a swivle seat and a grand slam bow hunter climber which all I have felt very safe and comfortable!
For years I hated that hollow sound you get when travelling through the woods with your stand. The foam solved it. Not as much noise from it when hanging it either. Haven't tried it yet but maybe I will tonight. Through it in the creek and see if it floats
I use the foam on all my stands now. you never know when your gonna bumb somthing in the stand, instead of the hollow metal sound it will be a solid, solid sound and wont travel as much either. More of a thud than a twang.

Good luck this year!
Thanks for sharing the great idea, OLETOM. How about climbing sticks? Have you tried filling any of them with foam? I have just as much trouble with banging them around as my stand.
Try a paint thinner or terpentine. Should take the foam off. I had a sagetarious quiver that I used this foam on after the original foam core wore out. Ya it was messy but I got it to work.
DonW, I got a couple rolls of camo duct tape, and wraped the climbing sticks in the tape.It took some time but worked good.It takes the twang sound away.
good hunting,mottspur
Thanks, mottspur. I'll give it a try.

good hunting to you too!

I filled one of my stands with foam also. There's only one thing you have to be careful of, that foam gets everywhere! I did it on our brick patio with my wife watching. I had it on the patio, my hands, my clothes, all over the stand, and that stuff doesn't come off with hand cleaner.
My wife was real proud of me when I was done!!
But all in all, it did quiet the stand down.
Where is Stroudsburg? I spent 3 years on a Nike Missile site near Herminie(1958-1961). Herminie is southeast of Pittsburg. Good folks in them thar hills. Still have some good friends there.
Best regards,
DonW, Stroudsburg is in north eastern PA.If you have ever heard of the pocono mountains,thats where I am.I do own some property and hunting cabin in north west PA.About 2 hours north of Pitt.Its in Mckean Co. mottspur.