FWIW, the buck that my son got last year...was easily the stupidest big buck we have shot on our place in all of the years we have hunted it.
For real. Well, either that or he just happened to be more daylight active and regular on our place than any other "big one" has ever been. I think between my son and I we passed this dude up probably a total of 10-12 times, although 3 or 4 of those shot opportunities were on one night when he was a active(dumb) 2 year old. He came by me several times that one night and that is when we knew he would likely not plateau out around 150"-160" like a lot of older bucks do.
Sometimes we have had bucks around that we are doing good to
see them once per year, let alone get a shot opportunity. We saw this one many times each year and often in some spots for a clear archery shot. Oh well...here's hoping his offspring is stupid too!