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Good week for the deer slayer


PMA Member
Well, this week was fun for me. Thursday evening my son, Logan, who's 8, went with me for his first ever sit in the blind. When we got to the spot, we walked in and there were 2 toms already in the field. They didn't stick around long. But we got set up anyway and had a very uneventful 90 minute hunt. Darkness set in and he was bored silly,(he left his Gameboy at home). This was special for me because he has shown no desire to hit the woods with me, except for some squirrel hunting when he gets to tote his BB gun. Just wish I coulda called in a bird for him.


Went out this morning with my buddy Andrew and the woods were thundering in every direction with gobbles at daylight. One bird was really close. A few soft tree yelps, a fly down cackle, and a few light yelps brought him in about 15 minutes into legal hours. He never gobbled once after he flew down and appeared out of nowhere to our left at 10 yards. He wasn't sure what to think about Pretty Boy. He started to leave and I put some no.5's through his brain at 15 yards.

We had several other birds nearby gobbling good so I ran out and grabbed him and brought him in the blind with us. Andrew had to be at work at 10am, so we tried for 3 hours to get him a bird with no luck. Time for some pics, but he was stiff as a board, so my pics didn't turn out as well as I would have liked. But who cares, I finally knocked one down!

My son was pumped when I got home, and wished he was with me
, so I am taking him back to the same spot in the morning. Now I am pumped! Even if we don't see a bird, I think he will enjoy the morning gobbling and all of the deer we will see(had several blowing at me this morning...this place has about 30 deer/acre

20 lbs, 10 ozs. (average KS bird)
11 1/4 inch beard
1 inch spurs


I think he will enjoy the morning gobbling and all of the deer we will see

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds like a winner!

Nice bird and goodluck
Very Nice Matt. What happened the following morning? It is great you are getting your son into the woods... At home is the best place for the game boy anyway...
Thanks everybody. Limb, unfortunately, due to severe weather in the forecast, we decided it was best for him to stay home.
That didn't keep me from going out though. I had several deer in fairly close at first light. Then 3 coons ran right past the blind. I had 3 toms very fired up at dawn, but they stayed just inside the timber about 50 yards away. They gobbled their heads off for 90 minutes, but wouldn't show themselves... then all hell cut loose in the form of lightning, rain, and hail. It was probably good that my son wasn't with me because he gets pretty scared in that kind of storm(something about living in Kansas makes him think that their is a tornado coming every time it rains
) I waited for a break in the storm(about 3 hours)and the woods were dead quiet and the fields were empty, so I went home to spend the rest of the day with my son.
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