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got my 1st bowkill turkey !!!!


PMA Member
WHAT A RUSH !!!!!!!!!

Went out this morning and bagged a nice tom. Was set up on 5 toms but they wern't in a big hurry to leave the hens they were with. After a hour or so I looked behind me and saw a tom maybe 500 yards away in an open field. I kept yelping at him as he worked his way towards me. I put down the call the last 200 yards and just waited for him to get in range. At 15 yards I sent a carbon express straight thru. I think I made it out of the blind in less than a half a second with my bow in hand. He looked like he was gonna take off and run so I shot again and that put him down for good. Turns out the 1st would have done the job but I didn't want to take any chances. I'll try to get some pics posted a little later.

WHAT A RUSH........
I'm stuck at work. Can't wait to get out tonight and stick my first one with a bow. Congrats

excellent moose! doesn't matter wether it's a young bird or old bird, as long as it's a bird! once again EXCELLNT!!!!!!
Atta boy mouseboy, I told you what a rush hunting turks was. Now maybe you'll believe me once in a while!!
You'll have to give me the low down on Monday morning!!! Enjoy working this weekend!!
Sweeeet! Just what I needed to see. I too am trying to take my first bow turkey. I even when out and pick up a new blind the other day to improve my chances. Way to go mouseman.
Congrats Moose!! Any turkey with a bow is a trophy in my mind. I'm heading out this morning looking for my first bow/turkey. Its got me all excited, been up since 2 a.m.,can't sleep a wink. Auhhh-I leave in 45min. C-ya

The picture is at hogies but I got him at another place.

The birds are really fat right now. Two birds I was working had to be close to 28 or 30 lbs. They were only 50 yards from a highway so I got a nice look at them. They didn't want to leave thier girlfriends to bad though.
Great job!!! Man 500 yards of adrnenaline , how did you keep from shaking the arrow off the rest !!!!That's alot of fun when you can bring them all the way in. Go get another.
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