Got my buck (photos)


I shot my buck wednesday night and retrieved him yesterday morning. Hes not big by any means but he had a bad antler gene or two. Ive shot several in the area like him, 4 or 5 points on one side and a big fork on the other. I decided to take him.

Earlier that day I seen a HUGE cat. I do have a tag and I almost shot him but I left my tag at home
I almost shot him anyway, thought about running home after to get my tag. I took pictures instead. I dont know how much you all know about Mt Lions but this one was easily B&C. He was 35 yards away and offered several perfect shots. His paws are just under 6 inches across and Im guessing somewhere slightly above 200 LBS. Deffinatelly a freak of nature.

Re: Got my buck

Let's see some pics of that buck! Better get the cat tag filled. They only are good for the first 25 shot right? Was your buck a mulie I take it? Nice photos of the cat!
Re: Got my buck

Ty, I will post photos of my deer soon as they get developed. I wasted a whole roll on the cat so I had to start a new roll once I got my deer.

Today I went and bought some predator calls and I am going hunting for that big fella tomorrow. If I see him I am going to use my bow if I can but I will have a 44 mag within easy reach.
Re: Got my buck

No my buck was a whitetail. As for the cats the season will go on untill december 15th, or untill 5 breeding age females are shot, or untill 25 total cats are shot, whichever comes first. We are currently at 2 breding females and 3 males. That makes the current count 5. My biggest fear now is that all older females will be shot. Im telling you this cat is an absolute monster.
Re: Got my buck

lets see some deer pics!

hope you get to show us some dead cat pics soon too!
Re: Got my buck

Way to go. Glad to hear you have a backup plan for the cat. Good Luck and congrats on your deer.
Re: Got my buck

Man, great pictures...lots of cats in the hills these days. Makes me want to sit in a stand when I am calling turkeys out there in the spring...
Re: Got my buck

There are a lot of cats. 2 Were hit by a car just the other night. So far 8 have been shot by hunters. I really hope I can get that kitty, a B&C cat with a bow would be something else. Anyway I just wanted to post a few pictures of my buck. Hes not big by any means but I was glad to get him out of the herd. Theres been a bad genetic thing going around, big 5 on one side and a spike or fork on the other. Also seeing that cat helped me decide to shoot that deer, now I can concentrate on him.

Re: Got my buck

Great harvest pics and that's one fat cat!! I'd be hanging around that gut pile. That snow looks refreshing. Good luck with the puddy tat.
I'm afraid I would have been making a really fast drive home!!!
I would pry Sh** my pants if i seen a cat. I have heard tons of stories that their is one out were we hunt at. I talked to a guy that said he took a break from cutting fire wood and the cat came within 10 yards of him. but this is a guy that said he seen a 10 point the scored over 200 at 10PM.
He is full of stories