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Governor Non-resident archery tags

I know that when I draw a NR tag again I will probably spend considerably more money in the state of IOWA than what these guys do in 1-2 weeks that they are there. If I don't have a slob prior to your gun seasons then I will be back again for the late season just to take one of those butter fat does that area all over the place. To bad one wouldn't get an additional doe tag when he draws that covited either sex tag cause then I would shoot two deer.

Love that state next to my own.

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You do get a doe tag now. Its an extra 100$ that is req'd when you buy your anysex tag. Unless, that has changed this year.

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What are these?
First, I’m a non resident landowner, and do not agree with not being able to hunt my land every year, but….I knew it when I bought and play by the rules….that being said, I would like to understand how I, who pays Iowa taxes is treated with less rights, then a non resident with a different occupation(singer, film marker, etc). How does the Iowa government have the right to do this?? It sounds like a private night club with a long line of customers, and a bouncer saying ”wrong pants…nope….next….oh Mr. Jordan, come right in” Did the IBA “Pick it battles” to give in to this, so in exchange non resident landowners continue to be restricted to hunt their land and also not to increase the number of non resident deer permits? I do not want to beat a “dead horse”, but with the passion many residents have of limiting non resident hunting, this seems to be the ultimate slap in the face….. hunt your big bucks, make money off of it and take it out of state

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I'm sure that the NR land owner topic will come up again soon enough. Until then we should only complain about the injustices of the Governor's tags on this thread.
I am in FAVOR of giving my tag to KAARE !!! Who else on this sight tags OUT with a 200 + every YEAR !!
First, I’m a non resident landowner, and do not agree with not being able to hunt my land every year, but….I knew it when I bought and play by the rules….that being said, I would like to understand how I, who pays Iowa taxes is treated with less rights, then a non resident with a different occupation(singer, film marker, etc). How does the Iowa government have the right to do this?? It sounds like a private night club with a long line of customers, and a bouncer saying ”wrong pants…nope….next….oh Mr. Jordan, come right in” Did the IBA “Pick it battles” to give in to this, so in exchange non resident landowners continue to be restricted to hunt their land and also not to increase the number of non resident deer permits? I do not want to beat a “dead horse”, but with the passion many residents have of limiting non resident hunting, this seems to be the ultimate slap in the face….. hunt your big bucks, make money off of it and take it out of state

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Actually makes a pretty good point. I guess one day we will all have our fame, until then, I'll keep livin fun life.
1. Governor issues Tag.
2. Recipient tags buck on video.
3. We buy video or click to the Outdoor Channel and watch the Iowa Gov's tags in action.

This is just sick.
I've posted this in the past--but--here it is again.

Code of Iowa 483A.24 When license not required - special licenses

483A.24(3): The director shall provide up to 75 nonresident deer hunting licenses for allocation as requested by a majority of a committee consisting of the majority leader of the senate, speaker of the house of representatives, and director of the department of economic development, or their designees. The license provided pursuant to the subsection shall be in addition to the number of nonresident licenses authorized pursuant to section 483A.8. The purpose of the special nonresident licenses is to allow state officials and local development groups to promote the state and its natural resources to nonresident guests and dignitaries. Photographs, video tapes or any other form of media resulting from the hunting visitation shall not be used for political campaign purposes. The nonresident licenses shall be issued without application upon payment of the nonresident deer hunting license fee and the wildlife habitat fee. The licenses are valid in all zones open to deer hunting. The huner safety and ethics education certificate requirement pursuant to section 483A.27 us waived for a nonresident issued a license pursuant to this section.

As IBA President Randy Taylor stated in an earlier post there are battles to pick and chose from and trying to fight this is a waste of time and resource.

I can't disagree with some other statements either. It's not like the quality of Iowa's deer is an unknown entity in the whitetail hunting community. Anyone who isn't blind has either read articles or seen videos/television shows depicting the quality of our deer herd.

But putting it perspective--considering the thousands of nonresident permits issued 75 is not even a drop in the bucket.

Doug Clayton
It's not the 75 that hurts... it's the impact they have. We have a great thing here in Iowa, I would like to keep it that way.
Total outsider speaking out his arse here.........and I know very little about it but it seems like everything else....why are the "wealthy" given so much for nothing. Nothing against the lead singer of Rascal Flatts, I'm a country music fan......but what makes guys like that more deserving than a welder from Montana...politics.
Wow. Now THAT'S a sweet gig they have going. Not only do they get a tag every year......
1) They do not have to apply
2) Can hunt anywhere in the state
3) Don't need to have taken hunters safety

unreal man. I definitely see everyone's point about why the NR tag quota is the way it is. Makes sense (even though on the years I don't draw i'm still pissed!
). But there are guys that have been applying to bow hunt an area for FOUR years and still don't have a tag. If I was one of those guys, I would be a little hot.....
The purpose of the special nonresident licenses is to allow state officials and local development groups to promote the state and its natural resources to nonresident guests and dignitaries.

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Makes sense doesn't it.
Total outsider speaking out his arse here.........and I know very little about it but it seems like everything else....why are the "wealthy" given so much for nothing. Nothing against the lead singer of Rascal Flatts, I'm a country music fan......but what makes guys like that more deserving than a welder from Montana...politics.

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Not so much as politics as $$$$$. The more people know about IA and it's whitetail herd...the more people want to get in and hunt it. Which equates into more $$! Look at all the guys who apply , but don't get a tag. Not to mention the current cost of the tag which is whole other debate. The state holds onto that amount of $$ for X amount of time making interest off it I'm sure and I guess more power to them in a way. But it doesn't take long for that amount of money to equate into something. Plus how many guys buy a $10 + fees to obtain a pref pt? Another pool of $$ to pick from. It all revolves around $$ and without the incentive of such, what's the motivation? Out of the kindness of their heart? ha, ha

Playing the QDM game, having a gun hunt out of the rut both do amazing things. But in turn you also have the NR tag issue, recreational land prices going through the roof, NRs buying land leaving is basically unhuntable most of the year(s) depending on when they get drawn which helps nothing with doe harvests and many, many NR's wanting a piece of the pie. You can't have one without the other, so I guess something you have to ask yourself is...What do you want? A deer herd that might lack a good majority of good bucks and not many NR's wanting to hunt it? Or...What you currently have for a herd which includes a lot of great animals and a lot of dudes that want some action at it?

I am neither for nor against QDM honestly. I'm for do what your heart desires kind of guy, but I have yet to get a QDM supporter to admit that the whole plan is a complete double edged sword. Have your cake and eat it too type of scenario as I see it. Maybe I'm wrong. :)
Thanks Timekiller for keeping me in line and not making this a non resident landowner thread….good to know I could buy a non resident land owner doe tag, party hunt with my neighbors or family members that drew a tag for $150 a year, and buy a point that same year. Gun hunt every 2 years, bow hunt the third. All legal under Iowa law, and the DNR doesn’t get the difference from me from $450 on my gun years. I guess I should take up singing or acting lesson, then I could hunt anywhere in the state also…
I think I will spend 2 months in Iowa next year and make a video showing how to get permission the correct way, by knocking on doors, then scouting and stand placement and then smoking a skin head on tape and then maybe a slob in late November too ;-) Will that allow me to get one of these licenses every year like those big video making guys?

What a CROCK! They should at least make those wealthy BAST#$@# pay something like the cost of a guided hunt for each of those $75 tages. At least then the state would really get something out of those tapes being made!
I guess I should take up singing or acting lesson, then I could hunt anywhere in the state also…

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Sounds like a plan. Just don't forget your friends from IW.com when you make it. I hear fame can really change a person.
Are these tags just archery as the subject line suggests or are they good for muzzleloader and gun season as well?

I like the idea of some tags going to charity as a fundraiser- these are going to be sold through raffle or auction I'm sure.
What I would like to see is a list of campagin contributors comaperd to the list of tag recipients.

The 'Bonker
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> What I would like to see is a list of campagin contributors comaperd to the list of tag recipients.

The 'Bonker </div></div>

Very interesting....
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