T- thanks for input. I'd like some others to respond so I'll keep this short. I will say, I will GUESS that 90% of Iowa hunters would agree this program makes no sense and would say our state would be far better served (and our veterans) doing something like the Veteran's getting tags OR doing something like the auction idea. To be honest, I can't believe the Non-Resident's aren't more vocal- they are the ones that have to wait 2-3 years VS the celebs getting tags to "promote" our state which doesn't need promotion- that just isn't right & makes no sense- it is probably one of the "laws" that makes the least amount of sense I've seen. You'd support an Iowa tag system that would allot say 50 tags to Veteran's coming back from Afganistan or Iraq I assume?
If I'm close - and I think I am - that 90% (even 70%) think this program should be changed (say like my idea)- it should be a no brainer in this democracy. These types of issues (bad laws) are changed all the time, small & large. The argument for keeping it the way it is- is very weak in my opinion and really has a tiny amount of support from our hunters in my opinion- time to change it to something right and/or meaningful to our heros or our hunting community in IA.
If I'm close - and I think I am - that 90% (even 70%) think this program should be changed (say like my idea)- it should be a no brainer in this democracy. These types of issues (bad laws) are changed all the time, small & large. The argument for keeping it the way it is- is very weak in my opinion and really has a tiny amount of support from our hunters in my opinion- time to change it to something right and/or meaningful to our heros or our hunting community in IA.
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