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Governor's Tag Idea??

T- thanks for input. I'd like some others to respond so I'll keep this short. I will say, I will GUESS that 90% of Iowa hunters would agree this program makes no sense and would say our state would be far better served (and our veterans) doing something like the Veteran's getting tags OR doing something like the auction idea. To be honest, I can't believe the Non-Resident's aren't more vocal- they are the ones that have to wait 2-3 years VS the celebs getting tags to "promote" our state which doesn't need promotion- that just isn't right & makes no sense- it is probably one of the "laws" that makes the least amount of sense I've seen. You'd support an Iowa tag system that would allot say 50 tags to Veteran's coming back from Afganistan or Iraq I assume?

If I'm close - and I think I am - that 90% (even 70%) think this program should be changed (say like my idea)- it should be a no brainer in this democracy. These types of issues (bad laws) are changed all the time, small & large. The argument for keeping it the way it is- is very weak in my opinion and really has a tiny amount of support from our hunters in my opinion- time to change it to something right and/or meaningful to our heros or our hunting community in IA.
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The thing that I see as so sad about this issue is that this promoting of the deer hunting in Iowa will soon be a mute point. People will soon realize that this is all a lot of hype with very little actual trophy potential. I just checked the IDNR site for reported deer killed and as of this morning there have only been 38,870 antlered deer reported. This is through the bow season, the early Ml season, first shotgun and all but 2 days of second shotgun season, and only leaves a few die hard bow hunters and late ML hunters who can legally still harvest a buck of any kind much less a trophy. If we figure that only 1 in 5 of these bucks can be called trophies that means that there have only been about 7800 trophies harvested out of more than 300,000 any sex licenses sold. That is a terrible success ratio that will likely rapidly change Iowa deer hunting. Out of the mere 92,000 deer reported so far to only have approximately 7800 seems way out of proportion to me and certainly won't continue to draw trophy hunters of any numbers to Iowa. At least that is my opinion.
Iowa trophy potential

The thing that I see as so sad about this issue is that this promoting of the deer hunting in Iowa will soon be a mute point. People will soon realize that this is all a lot of hype with very little actual trophy potential.

What? Iowa has very little actual trophy potential? Are you serious?
I say no to Governor's tags. Now, let's talk about NR doe tags. The DNR took them away from bow hunters because they said they were shooting bucks illegally. They gave them all to shotgun hunters, so they can shoot bucks legal. If you're party hunting, and you have a NR doe tag, you can shoot a buck and have a friend or someone you pay to tag it and it's legal. You can shoot 2 or 3 bucks if someone is willing to tag them. It's $250.00 plus $112.00 for a NR doe tag when you can buy NR doe tags in Missouri for $25.00 each and buy as many as you want. Who would spend $362.00 on a doe tag if they were going to shoot a doe? I would say no one, but the DNR can't figure that out I guess. You might as well go ahead and sell these as either sex NR tags for $568.00 each since these are being used to shoot trophy bucks anyway.
Look at how fast good laws and regulations come and go. Its time for a change here- this is one of the most obvious and unanimous changes needed. It has the most support for change- like we've seen in most folk's feedback over the years. Look how fast rules, regulations and laws change- some for the good and some for bad. Over night I saw the new laws having a Thanksgiving antlerless season with guns. With one rule change we had to put blaze orange on our ground blinds. Antlerless quotas change yearly. Late doe season gets created. Bow doe tags for NR's go away. You're telling me changing the current governor tags is that hard? Bologne. This is the biggest no brainer for change and has more support & agreement for change than anything I've listed and changes such as these are relatively simple.
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The Governor's tag thing really doesn't bother me. What bothers me is increasing NR tags and the lack of public land. I think we ought to use some of the $ brought in to purchase more public land to hunt. Iowa is one of the worst states in that regard as to amount of public land available to hunt. Plus, it's harder and harder to get access on private ground without leasing.
Remember this thread ABOVE?!?! :) Back in 2010.
I think these legislatures are spending some time on IW and getting some ideas here, now we see this....


HF 2329 (formerly HF 2026), SF 2254 (formerly SF 2076), SPECIAL NONRESIDENT DISABLED VETERAN HUNTING LICENSES.Requires the NRC to issue special deer & turkey licenses for non-resident disabled veterans who are hunting in Iowa through a non-profit organization that helps such veterans hunt. License fees are to be the same as a resident. Requires the NRC to make 40 of the 75 special “celebrity” licenses currently available for the vets. Increases the number of special turkey licenses to 75 and makes 40 of these available for vets. Requires the non-resident vet to have a 30% service disability and to have been awarded the Purple Heart. Requires a hunter safety course. Amended & passed HVC & SVC. Eligible for H & S debate.
ok..everytime this topic comes ive been very pollite and asked a simple question..where do you find a list of the people that get these tags..ive never had an answer..so now im gonna yell it..WHERE IN THE FU#K CAN I FIND OUT WHO GETS THESE TAGS ???????? Thank you...
I think the gov. tags are a great idea because all of the "big wigs" promote Iowa and guess what they bring other people to Iowa as well. Now guess what every one of them come here and buy gas, food, hunting products which helps IOWAS economy.
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ok..everytime this topic comes ive been very pollite and asked a simple question..where do you find a list of the people that get these tags..ive never had an answer..so now im gonna yell it..WHERE IN THE FU#K CAN I FIND OUT WHO GETS THESE TAGS ???????? Thank you...

Send me a PM or an email- I'll give you list of who got the tags. **I'll be the FIRST to admit.. a couple of my buddies are on that list & my private conversation with ANY of them ALL acknowledge what a joke this program is while they ALL take advantage of it.

***folks coming here and stimulating IA economy because of Gov tags- ha ha- that's funny right there! Is that what this is about and do u really feel the "ELITES" r pumping $ into the IA economy because of this?!?!?!....
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I think the gov. tags are a great idea because all of the "big wigs" promote Iowa and guess what they bring other people to Iowa as well. Now guess what every one of them come here and buy gas, food, hunting products which helps IOWAS economy.

I agree. Not to stir the pot but unless these guys and the people they promote are sitting next to you in the tree stand why do you care. Everyone talks about how deer numbers are down you pick a date and come sit in the passenger side of my truck and i will easily show you 200 deer in a 700 acre section. Maybe where your from deer numbers are down but unless you are fighting these nr/governer tag hunters for a seat i see no problem with it.
Where is there info that NR tags are being increased? haven't seen anything about that....im a NR and would gladly wait 5 yrs to hunt in IA, rather than increase in tags
Cooter said:
At a price of destroying of Iowas deer herd. Do you think they need to up the NR tags also? Once the herd is decimated do you think they will continue to come to Iowa?

All the NR tags sell out every year so until that changes I don't see the need to promote it as heavy.

There are plenty of shows based here in Iowa to promote Iowa.

Mobile Cooter using IW

You actually think that the amount of gov. tags that are put out there is really going to destroy the deer heard in Iowa? Come on get real.
You actually think that the amount of gov. tags that are put out there is really going to destroy the deer heard in Iowa? Come on get real.

I think it already has done major damage and damage in a few other areas you don't immediately think of....
75 tags going out and each of the 75 - the hunt is broadcasted to hundreds of thousands or millions of folks through tv, DVD's, etc. It's created huge amount of publicity and brought thousands of folks to Iowa. The reason for its creation is to "publicize Iowa deer hunting" - which is has done that! Back when it started- some areas you could get a tag every year and most others were every other. Within just 7-8 years, it's in some cases 3 year wait+ for NR's- even with over doubling the NR tag price!! Now, when the economy comes back- watch out- you could see a 5-6 year wait for a tag. And if they keep promoting Iowa, it's just going to attract more folks who are on the fence about going out-of-state or where they want to go. Each year, across the country, there's 10's of thousands of folks who look into hunting out of state for the 1st time or decide they need to hunt somewhere in the midwest- it's a new thing for them & obviously they see Iowa broadcasted all over the TV & DVD's at some future date from now- think that makes an impact as to where these NEW & future out-of-staters will target???
SO- bottom line- we don't need the publicity-PROGRAMS LIKE THIS MUST JUSTIFY THEMSELVES TO STAY IN EXISTENCE!- THIS ONE CANNOT!!! This has hurt the NR and the average-Joe NR waiting for a tag. We have a long wait for tags as it sits now- much of that is thanks to this program!. What will LIKELY happen- there will be a 5-6 year wait for a tag and you'll hear screaming to double, triple or make the amount of tags for NR's infinite. You already see this happening. With 5.7% timber, we have a FRAGILE ecosystem, we cannot afford to throw out 10,000 more tags, 25,000 more tags, 50,000 more tags or WHATEVER. We are delicate as it sits right now. We are not like other states with 5-10 times the deer population and 10-15 times the habitat (say like Wisconsin). We have a DELICATE SYSTEM. We don't need to promotion, it's unfair, it's creating problems already and the hand-writing is on the wall when it's a 5 year wait for tags and folks will be growing with protests to make tags over-the-counter or double/triple, etc the tags allotment- IA as you know it- BY-BY. You don't see any of these problems or the fundamental unfairness of this program and the strong need for it to go away as it's unneeded now???

*And in ALL FAIRNESS, this response is coming from a guy who had 3 friends get Gov Tags last year! They even know what a joke this program is but all said "well, might as well take advantage of it".
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