Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



PMA Member
Is anyone else dealing with a grasshopper plague again this year? I just checked a small alfalfa + oats plot I put in about 2.5 weeks ago. Last week I had oats with tiny alfalfa plants coming in. This week I have bare dirt and grasshoppers everywhere.
This is year 2 of them being really bad here. Last year they killed every single oak tree I planted. I had to spread sevin in my garden a few times this year to knock them back. They still managed to kill off some plants. Even though this summer wasn't perfect grasshopper weather, the last 3 have been. I'm hoping the cycle is about done.
No turkeys or pheasant? Turkeys were out in force on a freshly baled field yesterday evening.

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Lots of them again this year but only appears to be 1/4 of what we had last year. I have quite a few plots surrounded by switchgrass and the first 20' in from all sides of the switchgrass was demolished by grasshoppers. From beans to brassicas, didn't matter.
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