Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Gray Wolf Woolens joins iowawhitetail.com

Finally dried and rewashed... Thus far my Gray Wolf garments have been awesome. They are 100% burr proof, if any get on they simply brush off with ZERO effort. Even in down pours I've stayed dry and warm, allowing me to hunt more this year than ever before. I ordered the Wolfskin Lined bibs with Comformax in Predator Fall Grey. I got them with doubled up butt and knee material and had Jeff put in a draw cord in the waist to keep them tighter to my body. If you're like me and HATE belts then these bibs are the way to go. They have full length zippers on each leg so you can completely open them up if you want to. Here's a couple photos.



I decided to get the Wolfskin Lined PUllover also with Comformax and also in Predator Fall Grey. To keep things simpler I only got the elastic sleeve adjustors and also had Jeff put in an extra draw cord up under the armpits to keep things from bunching up. There is another draw cord around the bottom of the waist. I stayed away from the back pouch because I carry enough crap already! The front pocket on the pullover is HUGE. With no problem I have my grunt call, the CAN, cell phone, ranger finder, gloves, and other misc things in with no bulking up. I simply take them out when I climb down. Here's a quick tip, get the arm straps and always get three of them, it's worth it as they really keep the loose fabric tight to your arm.


For Christmas I got the Bomber 4 in 1 hat and thus far have been very impressed by it. Very warm though it is a bit goofy looking. I do think I will be exchanging it for a stocking hat that Jeff will custom make for me, your basic "Radar O'Reilly" type look is what we're shooting for.


Man, I have been trying to find the preditor camo for years after it was sold by Mr.Hood. Use to be able to buy if when they had their sales here in La Crosse way back when and it has slowly been disappearing ever since. Anyway, I am definately goingo to have Momma do some birthday shopping for me this summer! Maybe my 36th with come a few months early!
I stumbled into a deal on a used pullover and bibs at the classic (thanks buddy!). As Jeff with Gray Wolf was looking over the pullover he noticed a stitch not finished correctly. He said he would take it back to stitch it correctly and send it back asap. He wasn't kidding it was deleivered Wednesday! I would like to thank Jeff for the great products and customer service. I will never hesitate buying one of your products. Thanks guys!
He's in a class all himself. Definitely goes the extra mile. I think the price just went up Trav.
Hey Central,were you trying stuff on friday night?I seen somebody look at those samethings when I was there.The guys at GWW were great help and nice to see there product in person.I'am going to place an order as soon as I get done spending money on getting my boy outfitted for the start of baseball $$$.
I got fitted and I must say I am rather dissapointed. NO CUPPING. And I was so looking forward to it.

All kidding aside, I'm not sure who was who in their booth but both guys were very friendly, very patient and seemed to have a great sense of humor. I went back three or four different times after I placed my order to clarify what I was getting and asking to add this or that. All of my inept question were always answered in a positive, professional manor. They kept asking over and over if 6-8 weeks for delivery was OK, I kept telling them 6 months is fine, hunting season doesn't start till October 1st.

I know I could have gotten a truck load of Wally World cammo for what I'm paying for Grey Wolf stuff, but I know this stuff will last forever, is made in America and has fantastic customer service. You really can't put a price on customer service.

The 'Bonker
I know I could have gotten a truck load of Wally World cammo for what I'm paying for Grey Wolf stuff, but I know this stuff will last forever, is made in America and has fantastic customer service. You really can't put a price on customer service.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you guys are sitting on the fence about ordering your Gray Wolf. Get to gettin...

If you order before March 31 you get a 10% discount... Right now is as good of time as any to order.

Don't forget you can get the iowawhitetail logo sewn on there for a couple of bucks.
I was charged $10 a logo, one on a fleece hat and one on a spring green baseball style hat.
I didn't think I was gonna be charged for the logo, but then again I just said I want it and they said OK. Maybe a Classic Special? Or maybe it will be in the final bill, but thought it was gonna be free. You know, they probably didn't charge me just to get rid of me. I think I was driving business away where I was in their "no cupping alowed" measureing area.

The 'Bonker
Hey Guys, Jeff here. When we first entered the Iowa Whitetail logo in our acounting program, we entered it as 15.00 because we figured we would have to send the garment panel, or the caps, to my embroiderer,(20 miles away) and incur shipping costs both ways. As it turns out one of my employees now does the embroidery work, so she can take the items home with her and embroider them and bring them back, so we now have no shipping costs. Therefore (as long as she works for me)
the cost of the logos will be 10.00. I hadn't changed the item cost in my accounting program. If someone was charged the extra 5.00 just let me know and we will credit you.

I should have this item up on my website shortly as well, if anyone wants to add this to an order.

Got a little package in the mail last week!





I am totally amazed at the quality of these garments. It's incredible! Jeff is a great guy to work with.
Wish I would have known about this clothing long ago before I fill all those tubs up in the basement with other camo.
It seems like it's a lot of money initially, but I don't see this stuff wearing out for a long time, if ever. Well worth every penny.
I'm already saving up for some more items.
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