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Greg Miller?


New Member
I just got done watching North American Whitetail TV. Greg miller was not hosting? Stan Potts and Gordan Whittington.

What happened to Greg?
i know a guy that knows pat reeve, seems that miller and potts ran him out...gave him all the crap spots to hunt and took the best spots for themselves...hes got a show of his own now too, i think it is driven 24/7. miller lives about 45 minutes from me and friends of mine say hes kinda hard to talk to. kinda has head problems...i got the Iowa videos that are on here and they rock. my kind of video....im getting sick of the professional hunter stan potts and gordone whittington and lee and tiffany lakosky all though they do alot of work for there bucks if we all could go to some of theplaces they hunt and get put on a honey hole stand we could prob do the same things...oh well maybe im jealous.....at least they are whitetail nutts
I have to add this as I know the people in question.
I met greg in 94 while hunting with him in alberta.I spent a week with him and then got stuck in duluth minnesota on the way home.meeting him was great and he never for one minute ever came off to me as being better than me.I would consider him a friend.
dont for one minute think pat reave hunts bad spots.I know the area he hunts near sugar creek and one big world record buck that did not come home in a bad boy buggy.
I know stan and trust me he is a good guy to talk to and a wealth of knowledge.I break his stones about hunting clinton lake and pretty much telling the world about illinois.
these guys are living a dream and more power to them.
I would love to spend a week in iowa with greg as he is fun to be around.
the truth.
Early on I always liked the primetime videos, and I have met all three. At the time Reeve had just left H.S. to start NAWT TV and Potts said he and Miller would follow. The fist 2 years you can tell three's a crowd, you can't blame any of them for wanting thier own show, it's thier living, but I will say compare the older books Miller has written to his new ones, along with the shows and you can't help notice it's all about products now, and gimics, not the same guys just getting it done because of the passion, now here I go again (it's about money) pushing all the outfitters, products and sponsors that pay them. Now 3/4 of thier shows are advertising. Best videos out there are from REAL HUNTING, AND WKP hands down.
I like heresay....he said, she said, he said, she said type stuff. Just kidding, I find it ridiculous.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RIDGERUNNERS</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> not the same guys just getting it done because of the passion, now here I go again (it's about money) pushing all the outfitters, products and sponsors that pay them. </div></div>

Yeah, that's probably true. But then again, which of us does a job that isn't about the money. Remember, this is their job. "Find something you love to do, and have a passion for, and get people to pay you to do it." You can quote me on that one. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif I'm just saying, these guys got it right. Hunting for a living is a dream for most of us. Yeah I'm jealous, but I'm not gonna cast any negative light on these guys. If I could do it, I would make as much money as I could doing what I love. Who knows how long it's gonna last. Can you blame them? I can't.
GIVE ME A MINUTE FOLKS...... Sorry couldn't resist......
In my opinion the show sucks now. I liked Reeves and mIller, but don't care for Gordon or Stan. Potts seems to know is stuff, I just don't care for the guy, sorry just my opinion. I do like the Dr. Deer segments and the muzzy moments, but other than that I wil channel surf while it is on and go back just in time to see what they shoot.
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