Grey Wolf Wolfskin or Heater Body Suit


New Member
OK, I'm finally about to pull the trigger and buy a set of GWW Wolfskin Comfortmax lined Bibs and Coat for next season. But I'm also looking hard at buying a Heater Body Suit after reading all the positive reviews from guys who hunt in COLD places. Here is my question for those of you who just got finished bowhunting this past rut, which was very windy. Did your GWW keep you warm enough to sit long sits, or were you still cold? Anybody out there got any experience with the Heater Body Suit?
GWW is a better investment in my opinion for hunting the rut in Iowa. I am going to get a Heater body suit for late muzzy but up until then I am just fine in my GWW and I have the comfortmax lined wolfskin without the liteloft. If you tend to get cold easily like Weasel go with the liteloft as well. He use to look like the michelin man he had so many clothes on and at one point early in the season he said he was too warm. I about fell out of the stand because that has never happened before... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

Long story short, get the Gray Wolf and not think twice about it. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
Thanks for the advice. I, like Weasel, often have looked like the Michelen Man, and drawing the bow back, felt like I was going to explode b/c of "fabric tension." I trust your opinion on the GWW, so thanks. Are there any of the GWW "add ons" you feel are a must?
Go with GWW /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

I have a jacket with liteloft for extreme cold and it is very warm, because it is custom made you can comfortably draw your bow.

For your bibs I would recommend not getting the liteloft as it would be to warm most of the time. If it is extremely cold wear goose down long underwear. Also double up on knees and butt.
Do you have the jacket or pullover from GWW? Thoughts on which is better. Muddy has recommended the pullover to me before.
Personal preference between a coat and a pullover. I've always loved pullover sweatshirts, hence I got the Bowhunter Pullover from GWW. Between that and the bibs I've only froze out one time and that was last season in January during that extreme cold snap.

Both the pullover and the coat have the bi pleated back I believe so pulling your bow will be easy and neither one will cause any bulk up with underlying layers.
Another vote here for GWW! This was my first season using them and i can't believe how quiet,light,and warm they were! I went with the pullover and love it!
I have both the coat and the pullover. The pullover is unlined and the coat has comfortmax. I still have good circulation so I get hot easy and chose not to go with the liteloft. Anyway, I like both of them but if I were pressed I would go with the coat. I prefer a zipper and to me when putting a safety harness under each of them the coat is a much better option because you can put it on while attached to the tree. You have to detach from the tree to get the pullover on assuming you put your clothes on in the stand. The arm compressors and the grunt tube pocket I use a lot and the slash pockets are also nice. The pants I would go with what Chris suggested, the double knee and double butt I also love my cargo pockets.

Anyway that is it in a nut shell. I prefer pants over bibs do I can't comment on the bibs as I do not own a pair but Weasel likes his.

Jeff is great to work with as well. This is one purchase you will not regret. It hurts at first but you will be really pleased when you receive them. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif


I am not a thread stealer! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif But I have to know...what is worn underneath the Cargo pants and pullover/zipped jacket to stay warm?? I am thinking about taking the plunge as well in the next year or two as I've heard rave reviews from everyone. Do you wear several layers?

Can I pose a couple scenarios? - how do you dress in your GWW? Can you describe what you would wear underneath in these scenarios:

A) October 7th - 55 degrees and 5 mph winds

B) October 28th - 35 degrees in the morning with 10 mph winds

C) November 15th - 25 degrees with 20 mph winds

D) Late season January - just an ordinary day at 10-15 degrees with an open sky = cold!

Again - Buzz - not trying to hijack a thread...this has just been so good for me to analyze/do my research and homework on this...

Any help would be great...

Muddy, maybe you could bring your GWW next weekend??
A) Unlined no underlayer and short sleeve t shirt.

B) Lined with no underlayer accept a LS Tshirt

C) Lined Poly long underwear and LS T

D) Lined Poly long underwear, sweat pants, LS T shirt Under Armor pullover, Wool wader socks, Gray Wolf Chopper mittens.
Gladiator, I dress very similarly to Limb as my body temperature always runs in the red as well. I'll bring both my lined and unlined if all pans out next weekend. Just don't complain about the blood on them because I'm going to kill a hawg this weekend.
Limb does make an excellent point about the safety harness problem. I put all my clothes and harness on at the bottom of the tree anymore so once I get up into the tree I don't have to unclip.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">A) October 7th - 55 degrees and 5 mph winds

B) October 28th - 35 degrees in the morning with 10 mph winds

C) November 15th - 25 degrees with 20 mph winds

D) Late season January - just an ordinary day at 10-15 degrees with an open sky = cold! </div></div>

You guys need to toughen up if scenarios like that cause you to drop down the amount of loot that clothing costs. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
Heck Kaere, you're usually tagged out by middle of October anyway yourself! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
I've got GW jacket with comfortmax lining and the bibs with liteloft lining.

The only thing I've worn under the bibs this year is either a pair of light liners or set of Under Armour. They are very warm! If you were to do a lot of walking in them, then the liteloft lining would be too much. You can work up a pretty good sweat with them on and I have carried them in with me to prevent this. For me, I'd rather be a little too warm on the stand than to start to get cold. I've also go the double knees and butt.

I have gotten cold in the jacket at times. I'm looking at getting a wool sweater to wear under it when it gets colder out. That and a UA shirt should keep you warm. Also, I would get the sleeve adjusters on your bow arm.
Great thread. So I as well as a few others on here are thinking about sinking a large amount of money in some heavy clothes. I am in the same boat, trying to figure out GWW or the HBS. I might be slightly different. Im not going to be wearing mine till atleast Nov. Im looking at 30F and temps as low as you wanna think about. I am not one of those that has excelent circluation people unless Im moving.

Is there an advantage to the jacket vs the pullover?

Whats the double knee, just another outer layer? What is the extra advanate of this

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Full Quiver</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Also, I would get the sleeve adjusters on your bow arm. </div></div> I assume you mean your extended arm?

Thanks guys.

You may have just sold me...again on GWW
They really are not heavy clothes, warm but not that heavy, and when you see and feel them in person you will feel good about your purchase. As soon as I received the lined stuff. I ordered the unlined and a vest because I was so happy with the quality of this stuff.

I would go with the Gray Wolf suit. Conformax and Liteloft. It will keep you warm in the temperatures you are describing. The best thing to do is get Jeff on the phone and tell him the conditions you are planning on hunting and he will get you set up. Jeff is out of Wisconsin and hunts in extreme conditions as well.

Jacket vs Pullover is personal preference in my opinion both have their advantages I personally like the coat for tree stand hunting due to the convenience of taking the coat on and off if I need to in the stand without detaching from the tree. Small thing but useful to me.

Yes the compression straps go on your extended arm.

Double knee, double butt are just what they sound like extra wolf skin or wool in those areas. Here are a couple other pictures to show the quality of these garments.




