Grizzlies Expanding Territory


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Grizzlies Might Be Expanding Territory in Wyoming

A juvenile grizzly bear was spotted feeding on a moose carcass off Highway 22, well beyond normal grizzly territory, near the Snake River Canyon in Wyoming last week according to state wildlife officials.

The bear is an indication that grizzlies may be expanding their territory from the Grand Teton National Park, the Jackson Hole Daily reports.

“It was a pretty bad situation there,” Mike Boyce, a bear management specialist with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, said. “The bear was acting fairly agitated towards several motorists who had stopped.”

While there have been no bear to human conflicts so far, Teton County residents will be required to store garbage securely and hang bird feeders out of a bear’s reach starting July 1.

“A lot of these areas are really suitable bear habitat,” Boyce said. “There is a chance that we’re going to experience more conflicts as they get into these areas where they have not been very abundant in the past several decades.”
