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Ground Blind in Field?


New Member
Hey guys, wanted your thoughts...

On putting a ground blind up in the middle of a cut corn field.

Late season last year the deer were piling onto this seed corn field I have permission to Muzzleload on. Season starts in Nebraska on Dec 1st.

Without a lot of materials to brush it in, is this something I may have success at? I could put it in the field edge, but I loose a lot of shot opportunity from the other side of field. As I want to stick it in the middle for both bedding areas.

We have wagon blinds that we put out and they don't mind them at all. I have had deer walk to it to investigate on the first night that I placed them there. I would think that a ground blind might take a little longer for them to get used to, so the sooner the better.
I've got a good story on this one:
Long story short, I had permission to hunt a field that was harvested early in season. I sat there one shotgun season evening and all the deer (does at the time) were coming out on the next field that was cut recently. Got permission to hunt it a couple of days later (last day of 1st season). I made a ground blind out of cut cedars at 12 o'clock. 4 hours later deer started to come in. I had them feeding behind me and a decent 8 pointer focused on them and walked to my homemade blind on a string. I shot him at 75 yards. Trailed him up only to find a herd of does with a bigger buck with them. It was an exciting and memorable hunt to say the least.
I've done that several times for slickheads. Works good.

Reminds me of a few years ago when I get back to the truck after an afternoon hunt during the rut and two bucks, one well over B&C and the other a 150 class were standing within 20 yards of my truck tending a hot doe. They moved off only after I opened the door. DANG.
Neighbors that hunt the property to the west of me set up a ground blind in the middle of the cut corn field this year. Granite, it has been out there for a couple months but I remember when they put it up and it wasn't long and I could see deer out feeding within 50 yards of it. They didn't think twice about it.
Since I have a turkey and antlerless tag for one of the properties I hunt, I took the Double Bull blind over there a couple weeks ago.

Every doe that was headed past it threw their head up and stared it down. Some skirted around the blind. I thought that it would be a great idea to set up a blind, then hang a stand in a tree close by. The does were so focused on the ground blind a person would have never gotten busted drawing on them.

I did have a couple within range that afternoon, but didn't take the shot.
I have found that deer are curious enough to get too close for their own good. You might have a little more difficulty if you were bowhunting, but with a muzzleloader, you should be fine.
I have one in the middle of my 5 acre food plot and the deer walk right by it. Doesn't bother them at all. I had to put it in the middle in order to see the most distance due to terrain. The big problem is getting out without spooking the deer.
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