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ground blind vs. tree stand

I think your chances at a big buck are better when in a tree but theres nothing like sitting on the ground and having a deer right outside the blind that'll get your heart pumping.

Are you using a purchased blind or are you making one? I have a couple of spots I know deer use but I do not have a good tree to get into. Was wondering if you could share some of your learning experinces.
Littlefeather, Until 3 years ago it was from natural ground cover/blinds. I use that method still but mainly hunt from an Ameristep Penthouse when bowhunting.
Any different that you do in regards to scent control on the ground that is different than in a tree?
I've hunted both but prefer to be in a tree sitting in my summit climber at about 30 to 35 feet in the air not caring about nothing but mister big coming in.
Wow, I don't think I've ever found a tree that was branchless enough to make it up to 35 feet in a climber. Do you cut them as you climb?
Bowhunting...I'm a treestand hunter 95% of the time. My late-season muzzleloader hunts have been much more comfortable (and SUCCESSFUL)however, since I've been hunting from my Double Bull blind.

The deer just don't seem to be bothered by them, especially if there are round bales in the area.
It is my opinion that both the ground blind and the tree stand should be utilized by the serious whitetail hunters. Both can be used effectively depending on terrain, wind direction, and set up. I tend to use a tree stand more for bow hunting and am planning on having 15 of them out this season. However, my records indicate that I have harvested just as many deer with a bow from a ground blind as I have a tree stand. My ground blinds have always been constructed of natural woodland materials. But I do see a Double Bull blind in the future…..especially for spring turkey hunting.

When late season muzzleloader hunting I prefer the ground blind.
I agree that both can be very effective if used and disguised correctly.
I use both but utilize ground blinds more frequently. I make them out of natural material to blend into the surrounding and make them big and comfy, tree stands just aren't as comfy as a good blind. My brother and I both sat in one of my blinds this year as he shot his buck, lots of room to spare. Some areas i hunt I'd never hunt from the ground and vice versa. On a personal note, the last 4 bucks I've shot came from the ground, from 15 yards to 200 yards, smallest grossed 153, you can definately kill big bucks from the ground as well as a tree.
I do 99% of my hunting in a tree stand,which I favor.But on them days with moderate to heavy rains,during the rut when I must hunt, I choose the ground.Definitely a difference in scent control on them still rainy days.In a tree it seems to push your scent downwards in a funnel shape covering more area the higher you go.Whereas on the ground it seems to push your scent right into the ground covering less area.
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